Part 3

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{This update was requested by @books_books12
I hope you enjoy this update}

Youngjae POV

There was a lot of people out which surprised me being that it was late. I had pulled my hood over my face and put my ask on so no one could tell who I was. It was fresh out which made it prefect weather to take a walk, to clear your mind about things. I was too lost in my thoughts to notice that someone had been following me, that is until I heard a twig crack behind me. Quickly turning around I saw a dark figure binding behind a tree.

"There's no point in hiding, I see you standing there, come out!"

     Slowly the dark figure comes out with their head low as if looking ashamed of being caught. When he finally picks his head up slowly.  To my surprise it was Jaebum-Hyung, deep inside I had low-key hoped it was Daehyun coming to apologize but it wasn't. He soon takes his mask off and pulls his hood down to show me his smile.

     "I've been trying to call you but you never answered so I thought that I'd just visit but when I saw you storm out of your dorm crying, I decided to follow you and make sure you didn't do anything stupid"

     Finally realizing that I had felt my phone back in my room I kinda felt bad. Having worried JB-Hyung and having him follow me just to make sure I was ok. He suddenly pulled me into a hug, burying my face into the crook of his neck. I could feel his hand moving in a circular motion on my back making me feel calm. I hugged him back tightly letting myself breakdown in his arms from all the pain.

Jeabum POV

I wanted to visit Youngjae and give him the gift I had gotten him but like all good friends should do I tried to call him to see if it was a good time to visit. However, when he did not answer I started to get pretty worried so I decided to just go. When I saw Youngjae run out the dorms I knew something was wrong. I followed him. Youngjae and I are very close and I hate seeing him hurt.

Quickly and quietly I stayed behind him at a good distance making sure no one tried to do something to him and for him not to notice me. He seems really hurt and I wanna find out why. My thoughts got the best of me and distracted me from being sneaky. I had stepped on a twig which made a pretty loud snap noise and brought me back to reality.

I quickly hide behind the nearest tree hoping he did not see me but I was too quick to judge.

"There's no point in hiding, I see you standing there, come out!"

I slowly walked out with my head low feeling stupid for getting myself caught. When I picked my head up to face him he looked surprised and a little disappointed. I slowly take my mask off and pull my hood off to show him my smile.

"I've been trying to call you but you never answered so I thought that I'd just visit but when I saw you storm out of your dorm crying I decided to follow you and make sure you didn't do anything stupid"

Youngjae slowly starts to look down as if he was think what to say......slowly spacing out. I can the hurt in his eyes and the tears he's fighting back. I walked up to him as he's still spaced out and pull him into a tight hug. I could feel him tense up but then relax as he realized the situation. He hugged me back tightly and buried his face in the crook of my neck. I could feel his salty tears against my skin and slowly wetting my shirt but I didn't care. I just rubbed his back in a soothing manner.

After sometime we let go.

"Wanna go to our special place ?"

Youngjae nodded and with that we both headed towards our favorite café. I had my arm around his waist holding him close to me letting him rest his head against my shoulder as we walked in the dark.

Hey guys long time. I'm so so sorry about not updating any of my stories recently but you know my Junior year of high school is coming to an end which means finals are coming up too. However I'm not taking them cuz I have exempted them which also means imma get out earlier than most. This also means I'm gonna be able to update more. For those who actually read/vote on my stories THANK YOU so much.

Author-nim signing out.....peace <3

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