3: Evolved tracking for the Cure

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Somewhere in the yellow zone of NYZ a black man with a buzzcut was standing on top of a building looking down at a Blackwatch base this man's name is James Heller

Somewhere in the yellow zone of NYZ a black man with a buzzcut was standing on top of a building looking down at a Blackwatch base this man's name is James Heller

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And as he was looking at the base a phone rang as Heller pull out a phone that was in his pocket and answered it 

Heller: Father I'm at the location of the Blackwatch base.

The man that Heller called Father is a man named Luis Guerra a priest who was helping Heller

Guerra: Okay James the base has heavy security whatever Blackwatch is doing in there they don't won't anyone knowing.

Heller: Well I guess its time for me to find out.

Heller then hung up and took a step off the edge of the building falling to the ground in which he landed on a blackwatch soldier and consumed him and took his identity and looks Heller then walked up to the gate of the base as it opened he then walked to a scanner as he put his hand in it as the scan was done a door opened and Heller entered the base and it seems they were making weapons Heller then contacted Father Guerra

Heller: Father it seems they are making weapons not only that the weapons seem to more advance.

Guerra: Heller if Blackwatch is making more advance weapons then it be best if they were destroyed.

Heller was about to agree when the speaker sounded off 

Speaker: All right you morons listen up if I hear about one of you taking any of the weapons for Alpha Omega again I will have him rip your intestines out and order him to strangle you to death with them understand if you have any complaints you can come upstairs and say them otherwise do not take any of the weapons and if you don't believe me ask my friend Rooks.

After that was said from the speaker Heller spoke to Father Guerra again

Heller: Father a quick change of plans for a second it seems someone here knows a little bit about Rooks.

Guerra: Be careful James.

Heller then started to walk up the stairs and then got to the door of the person talking through the speaker Heller then entered the room and saw a chair and desk with a window behind the back of the chair pointing to the desk and Heller and as walked to the chair he shapeshifted back to his normal looking self and turned his arms into claws and when he was right next to the chair he turned it around to find nothing but a radio then the same person who spoke through the speakers of the base spoke

Radio: Hello James Heller my name is John Bloodson I am sorry I could not meet you in person but for now your just have to enjoy explosives for the time being it was nice knowing you. 

Then there was beeping as Heller looked down to see a detonator Heller widen his eyes but then jumped out through the window as the whole base exploded then blackwatch soldiers started to surround Heller with his claws still out he then rushed to a soldier that was close to him and cut the soldier in half the rest started firing at Heller as he was cutting all of them apart Heller then consumed the last two blackwatch soldiers as their memories showed Heller what John looked like and their orders are

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2019 ⏰

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