Melissa pushed me away as if she wasn't the one who gave her hand when I fell on the road. She pushed me away like she wasn't the one who made the first move on me. She pushed me away like she never touched me.

Lisa, you shut me off like you never give me hope.

I was carried away with my frustration and sadness, along with the urge to have her with me again until I didn't realise I had tears formed in my eyes.

I shoved my stuff into my bag, feeling that I had enough with them since I would no longer be here next year. My dad couldn't afford to pay for the fees and I didn't blame him. I would study anywhere else that suited his budget. Besides, It wasn't like I still had any reason to stay in this school anyway. Even my Melissa didn't care about me anymore.

Can I still call you mine?

I brought my hand up, wiping the warm liquid off my cheek. There was a stinging pain in my nose as I was fighting the force to cry it out. I had been crying every day in my room for the past 3 weeks. My broken heart would still weep for the love I had lost no matter how many tears I had wasted for someone who couldn't care less to even talk to me.

I zipped my bag after I was done with putting things in and out, placing it in the locker for a while as I was taking my own time to recollect myself. I put my hands against the metal compartment, closing my eyes as I exhaled loudly.

I didn't understand this feeling and how to control it. But it seemed like the more I tried, the worse it would be. I started to think if it would get better if I learned how to let things go; let it be.

Can I let you go?

Maybe if I could convince myself that I shouldn't be too hard on myself, I'd feel better.

Should I let you go?

Maybe if I learned how to accept the fact that I couldn't control everything in my life, I'd be less hoping.

Should I let our love go?

Maybe if I stopped believing that someone could really love a blind girl like me, I wouldn't be this broken.

I opened my eyes back, sniffling as my nose had became runny. I was about to reach for my bag again when I felt a pair of arms crossed around my neck.

Those arms pulled me back slightly, locking my body into a tight backhug.

And that was when everything rushed back in. Just one hug and it opened the door to my soul. It reminded me back how much this person meant to me. It reminded me how this person made me love myself the way I was loved. It reminded me how lost I could be with or without this person; in or out of happiness. It reminded me how connected our hearts were that this person came at the right time to reassure; when I was giving up.

"Lisa..." I called for her, grasping her hands that were holding me.

I tried to turn around so we could hug chest to chest instead. I had missed her so much that I just wanted to feel her front clashed against mine, but her embrace was too tight so I decided to settle in.

Her breath was so heavy as it blew at the side of my neck. Our bodies were pressed on each other as strong as her holding everything she had been bottling inside her alone. It was just a matter of time and she finally sobbed.

"Lisa," I kept my eyes shut since my eyes started to ache again, gathering new tears inside. The heaviness in my chest was unbearable at this point even my knees felt like they were shaky. "I'm so sorry"

I could've said anything else first. I could've said how much I missed her to start conversation. But I knew why she still came to me where she could've just went straight to the class, ignoring me. I knew exactly why she was sobbing on my shoulder. It was because of the pain of losing her mother and not because she missed me. So I thought I would just focus on that part first.

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