12 0 0

05:00 Local Time 
Middle of the Atlantic Ocean 

"Brinworth! Get in position!"
"Yes, ma'am!" 

As the young pilot climbs into her plane, she thinks back about everything that's led to this moment. Back to her childhood dream of joining the Air Force to be able to protect the world from whatever may threaten it, and all the effort she went through to finally get to this position. Once again she was sent into the sky, this time to investigate an object flying through the atmosphere at strange speeds, continually appearing and disappearing. 

As the young Lily Brinworth flies towards the object's location, it suddenly changes to behind her. She immediately turns around, pursuing the object, before finally being able to see its faint glow. She flies up next to the object, but before she can get a good look at it, its location changes-- to directly in front of her face. She tries to shove it out of the way, but when she does, it begins opening up. As she's reacting to this, her plane ceases working and begins to crash down towards the aircraft carrier it just took off from. It manages to crash into the water, just barely avoiding the ship, and Lily manages to get out of the cabin. However, when the crew look down into the ocean, they see something unexpected. Not just the one woman who went up, but two.

Suddenly, the new woman spoke. 

"Hey! Can we get some help? I think this girl is unconscious!" 

With that, the crew of the ship quickly rescued the two and began to interrogate the woman who had seemingly fallen from the sky. 

"You all can call me Amy. I'm a pilot, just like all of you. More importantly, is the girl okay?" 

The look of concern on the woman's face was possibly the least noticeable thing about her. She was wearing a pilot's uniform, but it was by no means a modern one. After she removed her helmet, it could be seen that she had short, curly, brown hair. She was wet from falling into the ocean, of course, but was clearly sweating with worry over what would happen with the unconscious girl. She began to look slightly more relieved when one of the medical staff came carrying Lily and proceeded to report his findings. 

"She seems fine, mostly just unconscious, but slightly bruised, and with some water in her lungs. There's also a strange red mark on her hand, and we can't seem to get it off. While she will be able to completely heal, she won't be able to operate a plane for a while with her lungs in this condition. She'll have to go to a hospital first." 

"Will she be able to survive a flight at normal altitude for a few hours, doctor?"

"She should be able to, ma'am, but why do you--"
"Then it's settled. I'll take her to a doctor. I hope you don't mind if I borrow one of your planes?"

At this, the Colonel in charge of Lily and her squadron spoke up. 

"Hold on. I don't know if I trust some random woman who fell from the sky to take one of our planes, along with one of our pilots." 
"I understand, ma'am. But what if I take that one? I doubt you will use it for anything." 

She gestures to the plane in the water, prompting a look of surprise from the Colonel. 

"I... Well... Sure, if you can get it working. If you can fly that plane, you can keep it, and Brinworth."

The Colonel said this knowing full well the damage done to the plane from the crash, and that the fact it was half-underwater would prevent it from taking off even in a decent condition. 
Regardless, the woman jumped back into the water and climbed into the plane. A couple of minutes passed, and the Colonel began to worry that the woman was drowning. However, as she was just about to go check on the crashed plane, it landed directly in front of her. 

The woman climbed out from the cockpit of the plane and demanded what she was promised. 

"Let me take that woman to a doctor. But first..." 

In front of all of them, while Lily was being loaded onto the plane, the woman began to disassemble the weaponry attached to the front of the plane. When she finished, she climbed back in the plane, and took off, heading East. 

2026-01-22 - 6:30 
Atlantic Ocean 

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