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The Mages' Association has observed a disturbance in the Holy Grail found within the Moon. It seems a Servant was summoned within, and subsequently broke apart a portion of the Moon. Judging by the Association's measurements of its trajectory, the portion of the Grail has by this point likely landed on Earth, specifically somewhere in Japan. A strange force seemed to be acting on it, and we theorise it to be caused by the Piece of the Moon being attracted to the Fuyuki Greater Grail. The Mages' Association has sent an agent to confirm this.


It has been confirmed. According to our agent in Fuyuki, the Greater Grail and the Piece of the Moon attracted each other, pulling the Greater Grail towards the edge of the atmosphere before the two objects collided. Pieces of the Grail were sent all over the world, and the Mage's Association and the Church have both begun to investigate it. One portion fell directly down into Fuyuki, but it shattered into many small pieces before it could be investigated. Some of the pieces reportedly fell in England, and I have sent my subordinates to investigate. 


My adopted daughter wrote to me to tell me that her own daughter turned eighteen today. Eighteen years and yet I've never met my own granddaughter. Not in this reality, at least. I can't. I know what will happen when I do. It's consistent across all timelines. She insists upon joining the Mage's Association, and I may have to retire soon. I can't let that happen to her. 


My granddaughter has written to me, telling me she found a portion of the Holy Grail. I would like to investigate, but I cannot allow myself to meet her. Though her involvement in this situation may have already determined her fate. This will be the final entry in this book for quite some time, as I have to ensure that the tragedies of 22 and 32 years ago never happen again. There is a possibility that I might be able to use the pieces of the Grail to summon him back into this world again. My dear, if you are reading this, I have most likely already failed at this goal. Your grandfather is proud of what you've become. 


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