The Kyln

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The ride to the police station was nothing short of awkward. The group of five were all lined up on a bench the length of one side of the ship, whilst a number of guards sat across from the group and were pointing weapons at them to make sure they stayed in line.

Sarah was at the near end of the row.. Beside her, at the end was Gamora. She wouldn't speak to or even look at any of the, but the young woman was just fine with that.

On Sarah's other side was Rocket, who didn't seem in the least bit bothered by the whole ordeal. He had been arrested 22 times before, after all, and had escaped all 22 times. Being arrested wasn't a big deal to him. Beside him was Quill, who looked scared, freaked out, and annoyed all at the same time, and Groot, who even after being arrested as many times as Rocket had, still didn't seem to realise what was going on.

The feeling of something on her lap, took her out of her thoughts. She looked down and saw Rocket had laid his head down on her lap and was staring up at her with a worried look on his face.

"Hey," Rocket said.

Sarah pressed her lips together, and let out a small "Mmh?" noise of acknowledgement.

"Look, Sarah." he said, sighing. "I'm sorry, I got us arrested, OK? Now will you stop ignorin' me?"

"Ignoring you?" She repeated, confused. "I wasn't ignoring you. I'm just ...."

Just like that she fell silent.

"What's wrong, Sarah?" he asked her, concerned about what made her so quiet.

"I'm just......just worried about the Kyln, I-I mean from what you told me it is pretty brutal, and I am scared of what the other inmates are going to do, if they get their hands on me." Sarah said with a worried look on her face as she bit her lip.

Rocket sighed. "I forgot," he said, scratching his head. "This is your first time in prison."

Sarah nodded, "Yeah."

Rocket frowned, "If they try anything on you, they will need to answer to me, because I will give them hell if they do, I promise."

Sarah blushed and smile softly at him, "I know."

"Get in the line-up!" A guard yelled, poking her sharply in the back with his gun. Sarah glowered at him and mouthed an insult once his back was turned, before she stepped into the small room and glared out at the officers, who were looking through her records.

"Sarah Wright," read out one of the officers as the young woman's stats appeared on the glass screen that separated her from them. "21 years old. Has been travelling for the past two years with fellow outlaws Subject 89P13 and the Flora Colossus Groot. It also says here that she is the daughter of Roger Wright, one of the violent inmates at the Kyln, who was turned in by Subject 89P13."

Hearing hearing about her father, Sarah looked to Rocket with a shocked face, only to see Rocket with the same expression, that soon turned into a murderous one.

From the rest of the line, Quill looks over to him muttering, "Why is she scared of her father?"

"You don't want to know." Rocket said still with the angry look on his face.

Sarah was then dismissed, and Quill went in after her. Once he did, he flipped them off.

"What a bunch of a-holes," said the other officer. "Transport all five to the Kyln."

"I guess most of the Nova Corps wanna uphold the laws..., But these one's here, they're corrupt and cruel. But, hey, that's not my problem!" Rocket said as they walked in a straight line to get 'cleaned up' up. "I ain't gonna be here long! Me and Groot have escaped 22 prisons, this one's no different. You're just lucky the broad showed up, otherwise me, Sarah and Groot would be collecting' that bounty right now and you'd be getting drawn and quartered by Yondu and those Ravengers."

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