Dolores stormed out of the classroom eventually, Ingrid smiled. Satisfied with herself..

The rest of the day went accordingly, that was until Severus appeared suddenly in Ingrid's doorway.

Ingrid placed down her quill, looking up at him in confusion. He was out of breath and slumped against the frame.

"Severus? Are you alright-?"

"Sybill...she's firing Sybill...."
He breathed, Ingrid's eyebrows lowered as she ran towards him and out of the door.

He followed quickly after her, she slowed down so he could catch up.

"Who does this woman think she is?"
Ingrid asked, rushing down the first flight of stairs in the gigantic stairwell.

"Clearly something. If she's firing one of hogwarts's most respected professors."

They ran through the corridor and into the courtyard, students where gathered around. Severus and Ingrid pushes through to get a good look at what was going on...Sybil Trelawney and Dolores standing in the center, Ingrid stood in shock for a moment. Before Minerva brushed past her to get to the troubled professor.

Ingrid shook her head and followed after, Minerva held Sybil as Ingrid lightly patted her shoulder.

"Something you'd like to say dear?"
Dolores asked, smiling wickedly.

"There are several things that I would like to say!"
Minerva replied, her and Ingrid continuing to console Sybil.

Suddenly, the doors to the grand staircase flung open. Dumbledore walking furiously out, Ingrid lowered her eyebrows..hoping he would do something about the entire thing.

"Professor Felicity, McGonagall...might I ask you to escort Sybil back inside."
He asked, politely approaching the toad like woman.

Sybil smiles and thanked the man, Minerva walking her calmly away. Ingrid grabbed two of her trunks-but they where quickly pulled away from her by Severus, who took them..leaving Ingrid to take the last one.

Ingrid stood behind Dumbledore for a moment, just listening to him scold the imbecile of a woman.

Ingrid followed after Sybil, Minerva and Severus. They gathered in the classroom, placing the trunks back where they belonged. Sybil frantically thanked them, Ingrid simply nodding her head modestly.

They left the room, Minerva complaining to Severus and Ingrid.

"I'm not sure who that woman thinks she is! Just because she works for the ministry, does not give her the right to harm the children..or us.."
Ingrid nodded in agreement, Severus chimed in.

"This afternoon, she came in to interrogate me about the dark arts post. It was quite irritating."

Ingrid lowered her eyebrows.

"She came to question my authority of a teacher, she threatened to take my job also."
Ingrid rolled her eyes, Severus turned to her.

"She did no such thing."
He insisted, Ingrid shrugged.

"Oh but she did. She got awfully angry when I voiced my opinion."

Minerva shook her head.

"Well, I'd best be going. Also-you two..behave yourself."
She smiled and gave them a wink, before walking in their opposite direction.

Oh goodness, this is bound to be awkward.

They walked in silence for a few moments, obviously not knowing what to say. Ingrid felt alone, despite walking next to a man she deeply cared for.

"So. I would like to apologize."
He begun, her eyes widened... not knowing that he knew of such a word.

"I've been unkind, foolish even. But-"

Ingrid looked to him, he avoided her eyes.

"I cannot give you an explanation...not now."

Ingrid looked to the ground, wondering what on earth he could mean.

He paused, stopping in the middle of the corridor. Ingrid stopped with him, still avoiding eye contact. He tilted her chin up to look at him, her eyes laced with hurt and confusion.

"I wish I could."
He insisted, placing a strand of her hair behind her ear.

She pulled away from him, he stood in shock.

"I need a straight answer. Do you care about me or not?!"

He began, looking down.


He went completely silent, Ingrid shook her head. Not believing that he had led her on for this long, he had completely blindsided her...he didn't love her. If he did-why would he do this?

She bit her lip and went to leave, he took her arm.

He mumbled, voice cracking.

"No. I say no."
She responded, standing up straight and pulling away from his grip.

She walked away, feeling powerful.

But something was missing.

Thank you for reading :)
So snape is basically being an arse. But ignore thaT! Umbridge is the real arse. Dementor x Umbridge for life yo
I hope you enjoy this fanfiction as much as I'll enjoy writing it! This will be the only book, therefore it will be really long. This whole story takes place within the Goblet Of Fire, Order of the Pheonix, halfblood Prince, and deathly hallows! I'll be publishing whenever I finish one of those books/movies. The Goblet Of Fire part will be the first to be published :)))

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