She stressed making Nicki laugh.

Twins: I wanna boyfriend

B: you're not getting boyfriends

Twins: but whyyyyy

B: because I said so

Twins: mommyyyyyy

B: don't mommy me. Y'all are not getting boyfriends. Not until y'all are 50

Niya: but we be too old for them then

B: exactly

She said as she dished out the food. She didn't like how her daughters were talking about boyfriends. They were 6 years old for god sake.

Nicole: mommy do something

She whined to Nicki.

N: baby-

B: nope

Nicki shrugged

N: I tried babies

Heaven: mommy can I have boyfriend?

she said with a big cheesy smile

b: nope. you girls have to stay my little babies forever

nicole: but we not little!

she said with a pouty face

b: y'all aren't getting boyfriends and that's end of discussion. now eat your breakfast.

she said turning around to wash the dishes. the girls never said a word after that. after they were done with their breakfast they got their bags and their parents met them by the door.

n: alright say goodbye to mommy

girls: bye mommy

they said sadly while waving.

b: y'all don't wanna give me a hug?

the twins shook their head but heaven gave her a hug. Beyoncé knew heaven didn't understand the situation properly or at least wasn't really bothered, after all she was 4 years old.

b: thank you baby. have a great day guys

twins: bye

they said sadly as they walked out.

h: bye mommy love you

heaven said with a smile making bey smile. she pinched her cheek

b: i love you too my princess

the girls went out to the car and Beyoncé stood back up to see Nicki next to her with a little smile on her face.

n: you didn't have to be that harsh babe

b: i don't care they shouldn't be thinking of boys at their age

n: baby... at some point they'll grow up go through puberty and want boys even more

b: don't even say that

she said as she face palmed herself making Nicki laugh.

n: i know you wanna protect them but they're only 6

bey just sighed making Nicki wrap her arms around her waist putting her bump to Beyoncé's stomach.

b: it's a boy i feel it

she said putting her hands on Nicki's stomach making her laugh. Beyoncé was very adamant the baby was a boy even though they have yet to go for another scan.

n: we'll see. but either way, you're gonna have to have the relationship talk more than once

b: noooo

Pretty Is [BEYNIKA] {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now