Flashing Lights

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"First red carpet?" He looks at me from behind his camera. "Here's the list of celebrities who are going to be walking down" he gives me a handful of papers stapled together. "They're in order... supposedly" he uses his fingers to air quote himself.

I read through the papers and see big names like Usher, Lady Gaga, Jessie J, Chris Brown, Miley Cyrus, and many more. Under each name there's a little caption mentioning their latest success stories.

"Oh I'm Ben by the way" he lifts his license badge, as if I were doubting him.

"I'm Danielle" I show him the badge I was given at the conference, imitating his moves.

"Youtuber?" He studies my badge. "Nice to meet you Danielle" He shakes my hand. "Ok the shows starting in 20 minutes, mind standing on the 'X' so I can test the camera and equipment"

"Sure" I stand right over the 'X'

"Ok now introduce yourself as you would in one of your little YouTube videos" he waits then signals me to begin.

I place the mic in front of me, take a deep breath.

"Hey guys, its me Dani and we are on the red carpet today! Ahhh seriously so nervous right now but uhh we are going to get through this . . . right Ben?"

He smiles and nods his head.

"Show yourself Ben, everyone wants to see the man behind the camera!" I tease him but he shakes his no.

"Lets keep that a mystery," he says in his deep raspy voice.

I take a couple steps and get my face closer to his camera. "Don't worry guys" I try to say in almost a whisper. "I will make it my mission tonight to reveal his face to you guys." I step back on to the X, do my signature move before ending every video and signal Ben to cut.

"Not bad, you're a natural in front of the camera"

"Well I do record myself talking all by myself on occasion, you know Youtuber here." I say sarcastically.

"At least you aren't awkward and shy"

"Oh yea definitely not shy, but awkward that debatable... Meh sometimes I ramble on and on and forget I had a subject I was going to be talking about and end up talking about the time I was in third grade and cut my hand with safety scissors or something like that."

He laughs.

"Wow, never heard that story before, I guess it only happens to those who are challenged," he laughs some more and I punch his arm. "I'm joking!" He looks at his camera. "Do you want the footage? I can send it too you and you can use it for your videos."

"Yea, that'd be great, thanks" I reach for my bag pack and hand him my card.

"You have business card?" he laughs to himself.

"Yes... I only give it to important business people okay, so consider yourself lucky. And don't lose it, it has my personal information, and I don't need people prank calling me day and night." I joke around, well sort of. I made the mistake of misplacing my info once and it didn't go so well.

"Here they come, ready in three, two" and he presses record.

"Welcome to the 2014 MTV's red carpet, where we will be seeing and talking to some of the most interesting and successful people and maybe even take selfies with them" I look down to the artists walking down.

I catch a glimpse of Ariana Grande and all the interviewers begin shouting out her name trying to get her attention. I've met Ariana a couple times; she's good friends with Glozell and Colleen, which I've done a couple of collabs videos with. She sees me and walks my way.

"Hey! Ariana"

"Dani!" she goes for a hug.

"Hey" she waves at the camera.

I ask her a few questions about her album and her self. I then take out my Polaroid camera. "Selfie?"

"Aww that's so cute! Where did you get it?" We get closer and pose. She kisses my cheek and I do my shocked face. I press the button and out comes the picture. A bit embarrassed I ask her to sign the bottom.

"Don't ask, it's going to be part of my collection, you're making me out like a creeper"

"Well you are the one collecting signatures" she jokes around; she's hurried to the next set of interviewers.

"Thanks Ariana" I yell out and she winks back. "So you know Ariana?" Ben pokes out from behind the camera.

"Yup, the YouTube community brings people together"

"Well I'm always watching videos on YouTube... It hasn't brought me any closer to anybody famous, like Jessie J"

"Well you never know! Isn't she going to be passing by soon?"

"Yes, Are you a heartbeat?!"

"A what?" now I'm confused.

"Never mind."

"No, tell me"

He sighs "Its what her fan base is called"

"Oh ...I've heard a couple of her songs but I don't think I'd fan girl over her like you're doing"

"Well you should! She's amazing!"

"Okay fan girl, calm your tits," I joke around; I mean clearly he's a guy.

"Slap me I've got no tits," he blurts out laughing, as do I, not sure why, don't even know what he meant, just thought it was funny.

"shh get back to work!" he points at the next celebrity with his eyebrows. I continue interviewing the celebrities as they pass by.

I've taken selfies with Iggy, Ed Sheeran, Nicki Minaj, Adam Levine that I might add, came out perfectly with Taylor Swift photo bombing us in the background.

"Here she comes!" Ben tries to cover up his excitement. "Who?" I move around, trying to get a better view. My eyes instantly go to her.

'Wow, she's Beautiful'

I want to shout out to her but there's already about five others doing that. Id have to do something different, something unexpected, but I need to make sure I won't embarrass her or myself. Think fast! What can I do?

Note: New Jessie fanfic! Hope you guys like it, don't forget to vote/comment love the feedback.

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