Trustworthy or Traitor

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Chapter 3: Points and Problems

A strange tension has built up around everyone at the arrival of their guest. Walking back out to the main courtyard, leaving Zuko confined in his cell-everybody seemed afraid to ask the question they are all wondering.
Sokka is the one who dares to ask, "What do we do now Aang?" The boy asks directing his concern to the Avatar. Aang turns around with a gust of wind radiating off him.
"What?! Why are you asking Me? Katara is the one who decided to take him, prisoner! Why am I supposed to know all the answers?" Exhausted and worn out Aang falls to the ground holding his head up in his hands.
"It's not that it's all up to you Aang-but you are the Avatar, and we need to plan how we can defeat the Firelord. That includes figuring out what to do with Zuko. At least this way he's not chasing us around still trying to capture you!" Katara lectures, the last sentence raising heat into her cheeks as she feels all the anger towards the fire Prince again.
Toph raises a finger to but in, "Let's not forget about you learning fire bending. Or Zuko's offer..." she leads off.
"What offer?" Sokka questions genuinely confused. Seeming to have forgotten the whole conversation that happened less than twenty minutes ago.
Toph answers before anyone else. "To teach Aang fire bending Sokka. We're talking about who in the world we can get to do the job and he just appears and offers! That has to mean something!"
"I am not having Zuko as my teacher!" Aang declares authoritatively. Sokka agrees, "Your damn right your not buddy!"
Katara feeling victorious for having avoided the whole conversation snidely puts in.."Well, I guess that's settled."
"Are you Kidding Me! Aang NEEDS a firebending teacher and one turns up on a silver platter and you won't even consider it?"
"You weren't there when he attacked our water tribe, or burned down Kyoshi island or attacked Aang at the fire temple!" Katara and Sokka argue in intervals.
"Look I get it. You all got your feelings hurt. Honestly, I have my own beef with the guy. But I'm just saying I don't think we should let our hurt feelings get in the way." Toph explains.
"Well I don't trust him," Katara says simply covering her view in the matter. "I say we just leave him in there for a while until we can figure some stuff out." She adds.
"Speaking of which, you think he had a camp or something? Cause if there's stuff lying around somewhere we wouldn't want anyone to see. Or we could go see if there's anybody else already there..." Sokka speaks plainly, all business. Not usual for him but these were..different circumstances.
"You're right Sokka, why don't you and Toph head up around the temple and see if you find anything. Aang and I should work on Waterbending before dinner.." Katara suggests looking motherly at them all.
Sokka and Toph head off, hitting each other with jokes and burns along the way. Soon their voices fade out and that's when Katara speaks to Aang privately.
"I know you don't like this whole 'taking prisoners' thing Aang, but you have to understand it's better if he's here where we can keep an eye on him." She defends her earlier impulsiveness.
"I get it Katara," Aang says with his gooey and flirty smile. "Honestly I have a feeling about something too. I'm just not sure what it is yet." The boy adds.
He stares thoughtfully at the ground when he is playfully splashed with water.
"Are we training or not?" Katara asks in a fighting position, an excited look on her face.
Aang doesn't even respond-the two just start dooling

Chapter 4: Dinner and dual swords

Hiking up through the air temples grassy terrain is easy for Toph. Her earth bending doing her well as always as she listens to the ground with her feet. What holds her back is when a low lying tree branch swings in her face after Sokka lets it go. Walking on forward instead of holding the bent branch back for the blind earthbender.
"Ow!" She screams a few feet behind Sokka and as he turns around rock forms beneath him launching him into the air. His shout ending only when he lands hard on his butt.
"What was that for Toph?" He asks ignorant of the branch incident.
"For hitting me in the face with a stick!" She answers walking around him with a satisfied smile on her face.
The boy starts to argue but just produces a line of stuttered words. Failing to come up with an actual come back for once. Standing up and catching up with Toph he asks her "Are you seeing anything yet?"
"Yes, boomerang boy. I've been feeling out this one spot ahead for a bit. Seems like the only thing it could be is a camp. There isn't anyone else around though." She answers confidently in her navigating abilities once again after the tree incident.
The two soon come upon what must be Zuko's camp set up, the fire nation fabric hung amongst the trees for shelter a dead give away.
"Yeah, this is it. Okay, let's just pack it all up and get out of here. We'll look at it closer with the others later." Sokka reports, starting to collect the scattered things in the camp.
He doesn't notice Toph isn't actually helping until he goes to take down the tarp. It's high up, and he realizes he needs another pair of hands.
"Hey, Toph? Come help me with this thing for a minute?" He requests. But instead of her appearing by his side to help the request is met with silence.
Letting go of the tarp and turning around, Sokka sees Toph fiddling with a couple of dual Swords. "Toph be careful!" He cries to the blind earthbender rushing over to take the weapons from her. Afraid she might hurt herself unable to see the sharp edges.
"Relax Sokka I can sense them with my metal bending." Toph lectures him turning away and blocking him from running towards her any more with a rock wall.
Sokka dazed and rubbing his head, slightly nods. "Boy hanging around Toph is dangerous" he reminds himself.
"Okay fine. Whatever. Just help me with this so we can get out of here. I don't want to be here if back up or anyone else shows up."
"Relax I'd see anyone before they'd show up. But fine, let's finish up here. I wanted to give Twinkle-Toes a "lesson" before dark today." Toph says with her evil smile.
All in all, Zuko only had a bag of what Sokka guessed was supplies, the swords, and the tarp. That was the most difficult thing to carry down, Sokka having done a poor job of folding it up.
They arrived back just as the smell of dinner came to Sokka's nose, causing him to run down to the pot of cooking rice and dropping the tarp onto the ground lazily.
Toph follows behind him and breaks the silence amongst the group.
"So any more thoughts on Zuko?" She asks fully expecting an answer. But no one pays her or her question any attention as Katara motions for her to sit and eat.
It would have to be discussed after lunch.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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