#15: It's A Hard Life - Part I

Start from the beginning

He sighed when she turned her head towards the other side again. He pulled her a little closer and carried on caressing her arm.

"I want you to know", he began saying, "that being with you is the best thing that has happened and could ever happen to me since I set foot on this planet... You have helped me so much. You are unique, and I love you even more because of that".

"Hmm... I love you too", Y/N responded, "But how come the love confession in the middle of the night?"

"Ah, must be the... romantic vibes in the atmosphere".

"You are such a sweet bastard", Y/N said playfully, "I love you".

"No matter what?"

"No matter what".

"As I am?"

"Even if you killed me, I'd love you till my last breath", Y/N said and turned around to face Loki.

He smiled dimly and looked into her beautiful eyes, cupping her cheek with his palm.

"I could never do that".

"I know".

Loki's smile became more pronounced at the corner of his mouth. He kissed her lips softly, and then pulled her into a hug so that her head was against his chest, and she could hear his heart beating. He kissed her forehead sweetly.

"Can we just get married?" hummed Loki, "We almost live like a married couple".

"If you propose to me, I won't say no", replied Y/N.

"Then I have to buy a ring", Loki concluded and let out a small laugh.

"Yeah", Y/N said and laughed slightly.

Loki pulled some strands of hair out of his face and took a more comfortable position in the bed.

"Goodnight", he whispered then.



Days were passing by, one after the other. Loki couldn't help but notice that Fred always surrounded him. And the God of Mischief simply couldn't function.

He had been patient for one whole week, hoping that Fred would just piss off. But he didn't, and the only thing that he could think to make himself a little more positive was that he shared the same office with Bucky and Y/N --and he was grateful for this.

On that day, Loki was busy doing paperwork. He always hated that, and the fact that Y/N and Bucky had left the study a few minutes ago and he was alone with Fred was making everything worse.

He could feel Fred's eyes glued on him and it was driving him crazy. He never liked people looking at him intently.

"What the hell do you want, Freddie?" he finally asked, giving up his patience.

"You know what", said Fred and his eyes sparkled with hunger.

"Then the answer is no", Loki said calmly, "A big, gigantic 'NO'. Get over it, Freddie. It's over".

"No, it's not".

"It is --for me. Stop. Move on".

Fred was about to answer, but Bucky entered the room. Loki hung his head low quickly and continued working.


That night there was a meeting in the Avengers Compound. Not a let's-save-the-world meeting, but one considered to be a friends-chilling-together one.

Loki didn't want to go --he really didn't. He had never seen most of the Avengers as his friends, just as co-workers. But Thor insisted, and Y/N kept telling him that 'it won't be that bad, I will be there too'. So he went.

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