(Not rp) Journal Entry #1

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The worlds in shambles. Destroyed, shattered, broken into nothing but the 3rd impact. I never would have thought that Shinji could do such a thing. He destroyed the world basically and most people are starting to blame him for it. It's not his fault, after all, I'm the one who pushed him to that point. Told him that everyone he cared about would die if he didn't pilot Unit 01. That Rei had died trying to protect him. It's not his fault. It's mine. Now he's trapped inside Unit 01. If only I had been able to prevent this. If I had my mother's and brother's strength I would have been able to stop all this. Unfortunately I don't and I can't be strong like her.
Speaking of mother, Ritsuko recently found my mother's old journals depicting all her experiments and work she did for NERV. Apparently my father wasn't as perverted and psychotic as I thought. He even tried to prevent 3rd impact...that was until he found out the truth. Misato, Mika, and Ritsuko hope to be able to replicate some of the experiments my mother preformed using the limited resources we have. NERV no longer protects the world, their true goal is to destroy it and everyone on this planet in an attempt to complete instrumentality. However, I believe it's good to be ones individual self. Even being half angel and still seeing the wrong with Lilin, I can't help but sympathetically agree with those who now despise both SEELE and NERV.

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