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1.) No over powering. If you've seen Evangelion you know what I'm talking about. No magic, no powers, no spells. It's a sci-fi. Your characters are human and can get hurt.

2.) No making the role play boring or take control of mine or other people's characters.

3.) ask before you can join another role play.

4.) swearing is aloud but must be censored.

5.) smut must be taken to PM

6.) role play in 3rd person.

No: hi! My name is y/n. *i hold out my hand*

Yes: "Hi! My name is y/n." Y/N stated holding out their hand.

7.) Please respect this. No one like haters.

8.) no dark or suicidal thoughts.

9.) do not spam me for forever. Give my an hour if I do not reply. If you do not fallow this rule you will be kick out of the Rp. Or I will not respond to you. I have a life you know.

10.) have fun.

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