Chapter 11-Scary Situations

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Noah POV

I'm waiting on Rosie and Nicole to get back from their girly trip and trust me I'm bored as hell without my mate. I honestly have no clue what to do. I can't even recount my single days before her because they seem so insignificant. I should probably get some along duties done. I've really been slacking lately.

I tell my beta to come over so we can discuss borders and new patrols. As soon as he gets here I take out some beers so we can chill while we're at it. Hunter and I discuss new patrols and switching up the border routes. Apparently some rogues have been scented around.

"Why wasn't I made aware of this Hunter?"

"You were busy with your new mate and we thought we would let you spend some time with her for a bit without having to worry about pack issues."

"I appreciate the thought but I AM THE ALPHA. I am to be made aware of everything from now on understood?" I say using my tone. Honestly I need to be made aware of this shit.

"Yes Alpha."

"Good. Now is there anything else I need to be made aware of?"

"No alpha."

"Sorry for the alpha tone Hunt, I just really need to know."

"I understand Noah it's no problem."

"So how's it going with you and Maddy?"

"Good! She's pregnant with my pups!"

"Dude congrats! As of when?"

"About a week after Roselyn was."

"I can't believe you didn't tell me! You're my best friend man! You gotta tell me things! No matter if I'm busy!"

"I know I know. I've learned my lesson. From now on we share our life like gossiping teenage girls."

"You're such an ass man." I say with a laugh.

The home phone rings and I'm curious as to who is calling. Not many people call my home phone.

"Mr. Diamond?" An unfamiliar voice asks.


"There's been a serious car accident involving your pregnant fiancée and sister." My heart drops to what feels like my ass.

"What happened? Are they okay?"

"I think you might want to come down to the hospital."

"I'll be there in five." I say hanging up,"Hunt. Roselyn and Nicole were in an accident I need to head to the hospital."

"I'll come with. Let's go."

I hope my baby and our pups are okay....


Roselyn POV

I wake up to beeping monitors and the distinct smell of cleaning supplies. Where the hell am I? Everything is so white. I look down to see that I'm attached to an IV. Shit! What happened? Are the pups okay?

"Noah?" I call out in a hoarse voice. Noah immediately bursts through the door with a doctor behind him.

"Rosie are you okay? How are you feeling buttercup?"

"Just a bit sore. Are the pups okay?" I can smell this is a wolf doctor so it's fine to say pups in front of him. Noah looks at me with sad eyes. Oh no... Did I lose my babies? Did they not make it?

"Ma'am I'm doctor Norton. We are running tests right now to check and see if your pups are well. So far we haven't seen anything bad, but something seems to be off with one of them." My eyes water up. One of my pups might not be okay...

"Stay positive Roselyn. Being a combination of us they can make it through anything okay love?" I nod. I really hope so.


Author's Note

Hey lovelies!

Due to all your continuous support I decided to finally put my fingers to the keyboard and start writing Just In Time again. I wrote this story years ago and honestly thought it was poo. Many fans said they liked it and asked me to continue. So, I rewrote all the previous chapters and now I will start updating again. Thank you all for everything. I appreciate it so much. You all gave me so much confidence in my writing. Please check out my newest story If Only A Band-Aide Could Fix Everything. Please give me some feedback and vote if you like! Same for this story! Enjoy!

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