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7:30 a.m. (Monday)


Now I was awake not from the alarm clock but from Buddy licking my face, I picked up Buddy and placed him next to me in bed. "Mornin Buddy, looks like I have work today." I sigh and reached for my alarm clock to turn it off.
I got out of bed and streched my body as usual, I scratched the back of my head as I'm heading towards the bathroom to freshen up before eating breakfast.

So let's talk about my "Work", I work at a company named "" meaning "We Mean Bussiness", now I know what you're thinking it's a pretty weird name for a company right? But it's not my company and I only work there. The office looks a bit 'emotionless' and 'sad' so me and my other co-workers decided to spice things up and start decorating our office (which took one week to do so). Now our office now looks less boring and plain. Oh almost forgot about the financial stuff in the

Now I have to say the company does give a good amount of raise depending on how you do your task and how your atittude towards the HR's and the HR's in training, i'd say about 20,000 a month, well i'm not gonna leak in further with the whole "how the bussiness goes" thing cause I think they'll sue me if I continue on. And on to the story.

Now after freshening up and getting ready, I went into the kitchen to prepare some breakfast for me and Buddy, I made some scrambled eggs and a glass of juice for me. Buddy was in the garage putting his toys in his toy box which was not rare to see, I called on Buddy to have some breakfast with me, then he'd come running to the kitchen. I picked him up, sat him down, and both of us had breakfast.

After cleaning the plates and taking Buddy for a quick walk, I went to my room and changed to my work clothes which was a black suit with a magenta tie and black pants, after changing I head to the front door and waved Buddy goodbye, closing the door and locking it I walked to my car which was parked infront of the garage. I drove to work which was a few miles away from where I live.

"Hmm, I wonder if Bunni has already arrived." Bunni usually arrives a little later than me cause she lives a bit far from work, I parked my car to the parking area that is located at the side of the building. I got out of my car and locked it, I made my way to the entrance I entered and slipped on a banana peel which was confusing for me cause why would anyone just leave a banana peel on the ground, I picked it up and threw it at a nearby trashcan. After that incident I went to the office to do the paperworks then I saw that Bunni was already there, "Oh mornin Bunni you seem early today." I said making my way to my cubicle which was next to Bunni's, "Morning Carla, yeah I kinda woke up pretty early today hehe", she said. I said "Ok" and sat on my chair.

While doing my paperworks one of my co-workers Amanda (also a close friend of mine) was inviting me to an event. "Hey Carla, I was wondering if you're available next week." she asked, "Why what's the event?", "My niece is gonna have her birthday party next week." I kinda hated party's and event with alot of people in it, but it was Amanda so I had to agree, "Ok sure im cool with it", I said, "Ok great I already invited Bunni and Data, so see you next week". She said as she gave me the invitations, and I continued work after that.

[Now for what happens in the office when there is no task or any assignments is gonna be for the next part of this story. So if you enjoyed the story i'll continue more XD]

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2020 ⏰

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