Run Away

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"Zuri..." Her brother ran to her pulling her into a hug. "Emma's dead." She whispered in his ear as she leaned into his embrace. "So is mom..." He told her. "And dad..." She added. 

Xander looked over at Lou who had her arms crossed in defeat. "So... back to the guitar?" She looked back with this familiar comfort. He nodded, spun on his heel, and made his way to Grizzley Cabin. When next he came through the frame of the door he had his guitar and his bag. "Xan..." She walked over to step in front of him. He sighed adjusting the strap on his shoulder and looking behind her at the road that lead back to town.

"I'm leaving." He insisted. "I'm the guy who get's the hell out of the way when shit hits the fan. Please Lou, if you've ever cared you will let me run." He had this look in his eyes like he feared dying here more than he feared dying at all. "This town has done nothing for you..." She nodded slipping out of the way. "Chase the moon Xan..." She gestured for the road. 

He gave a sheepish half grin before pulling her into a hug. She embraced him and allowed only one tear to slither down the side of her face. When he let go he looked away and started his journey. There was nothing left for him to have to stay for. In fact he wasn't even supposed to be a councilor this year. They were just short staffed and he figured he could wait till the end of the summer to take his van and drive. It was all he ever wanted and he knew that Emma would have never joined him any way.

The last thing he looked at before vanishing in the tree line was her cabin. He did love her, he must admit. Her love for money and clothes left him in the dog house. He was more of a pet than her lover. Now he was the main character in his life story. He wasn't about to get caught up in something he didn't truly care about. 

Lou returned to the other councilors. Ravi and Zuri had started to gather items to bust down the gate and free the campers. "Where is Tiffany and Jorge?" She asked eyeing the great lawn with no sign of the only kids they had managed to keep from falling for any traps. "With Gladys and Hazel..." Zuri was quick to respond. "We're going to use Jorge's farts to blow this pop sickle stand." 

"While I applaud your cleverness, how do you intend on making it flammable?" The Lizard lover asked. Zuri looked around. "I wonder what would happen if he ate the cupcake..." Something that would have been an offensive joke actually sounded somewhat plausible. "We don't have anymore cupcakes... there was just the one..."


"You two need to follow Xander." Gladys insisted. For the first time since they had met her she didn't have the crazy eyes. She seemed like a decent human being. "What? No we want to help." Tiffany said. "No. You guys don't understand." Hazel knelt down in front of them and did her best impression of a big sister despite never having had siblings.

"All of this is so much bigger than you know. We don't want you getting hurt." She was begging, pleading with them for their lives. They were standing on the road entering camp. Gladys passed Tiffany her Violin and Jorge his favorite graphic novel. "It's the end of Camp Kikiwaka, but it's not the end of you. Hurry and catch up with the pretty boy before it's too late." 

Tiffany looked a Jorge. Jorge looked at Tiffany. They turned around and took a deep breath as in the dark they made their way towards town. "Xander!" They cried out running after him. He looked back with a worrisome face. "Take us with you..." Tiffany cried. 

He thought for a moment. It was kind of a jerk move to bail on all of Kikiwaka. He may be running but he doesn't have to abandon everyone. This could be his chance to make it right. Hanging out with Ravi the last couple summers had him convinced Karma was real but he really did care about those campers. He nodded popping open the side door of his van. The license plate spelling out 'Nessa' 

"Where did you get this car Xander?" Jorge asked as he climbed into the passenger seat tucking his novel in the glove department. "It was abandoned in an ally way in california, all the registrations were with it and everything so I just kind of... took it." He smiled over at the kid as he clicked in his seat belt.

"Why are we just standing here mother?" Hazel asked. The whole crazy thing may have been an act but she really did like Xander. She'd have given anything to be in that van with him. Gladys placed a hand on her daughter's shoulder. "I hope you can forgive me..." 

The words took a moment to register. Two massive explosions erupted in the air, one behind them and one in the direction of town. Gladys looked back and Hazel kept her eyes forward. In unison they said "What was that?" Sometimes, you have to make it look like an accident. "There can be no witnesses." Her mother charged through the tree line and out to the great lawn as the kids who had been trapped inside the mess hall came running out in every direction. 

"Hazel..." Her mother looked back at her daughter who was still in shock from the explosion from the north. "Hazel get over here now we have a code green." The young girl nodded following her mother's orders and racing to weasel cabin. 

She flipped open her mattress, pulled up a trap door, and reached inside to press down on a button. "Raising dome. No one gets in or out. Raising dome. No one gets in or out." The robotic voice traveled throughout all of camp. Ravi and Zuri looked out to the lake in time to see a giant metal glass rising from the water. It kept raising higher and higher until it curved over the other side. "Every body run!!!!" 

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