Between Worlds

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Lou had carried her best friend to their own cabin, certain that taking her to Hazel was the worst possible solution to what had happened. Those two girls would kill each other if they knew they could get away with it. Which given the circumstance there are a few ways one could easily send Emma to the other side without so much as a smoking gun.

She held the door open as she viewed out upon the great lawn. Chuck's dog house just beyond their porch she noticed the door had been knocked down. An eerie feeling wove over her as she looked back at Emma to make sure she was fine before stepping out onto the grass and trotting over to look inside the mini cabin.

What she saw... broke her. Chuck had made the unfortunate mistake of eating one of the cupcakes. Holding a hand over her face to block off the smell she whispered to herself "He never goes into the mess hall." 

She nearly screamed when she heard Tiffany's high shrill voice behind her. "What are you doing?" The councilor stood up to look at two of the only three campers that had not gone inside the mess hall standing before her covered in red clay mud. "Is that Chuck?" She asked. Lou slid in the way to protect her from the sight of a melted wolf. 

"Where's Xander?" It was the first thing she thought to ask the little girl. "He's still in the infirmary with Ravi." Tiffany was still trying to look past Lou at the mess of bones and flesh inside the dog house. "And Gladys?" 

"No one has seen her since yesterday." It was after midnight, Gladys was known for disappearing after dark. Lou was the only one these kids could rely on. "Griff have any luck breaking into the dining hall?" All Tiffany did was nod to say no. Those poor kids must be terrified. Seventy five of them locked away with out a clue what's going on. Whose to say they didn't find a red velvet cupcake... or a hundred.

"We need a phone." Lou shooed her away from the dog kennel. Both of them moving away from wood chuck cabin. Both of them leaving Emma unattended...

Silence, a cold chill down the spine. The door to the cooler opens and in walks Ravi. The moment the heavy metal click echoes in his ear he can't help but wonder why he walked in here to begin with. Placing his hand on the nob he twists it to realize it's locked. Narrowing his vision it dawns upon him that he's trapped.

A confused expression falls upon his face as he presses his back against the cool metal wall and slides down. His calves and arms were uncovered and the temperature had already turned his skin a shade lighter. The entire room was enveloped in a baby blue haze and he shudders as the ice maker buzzes to signify that it's only solidifying more water into blocks of ice. 

"The human body is made of seventy percent water." His eyes dart up to meet the boy standing in front of him. To look upon your own face without a reflective surface is to look upon the face of the Yama. "Look what you've gotten yourself into..." The alter him took a seat on top of the ice box to laugh and eye him like he was a camper who had done something just plain awful. "If you don't get out of here... your body will be seventy percent ice..." 

It was here that he understood what he was dealing with... "Am I in Nakara?" The impostor only laughed some more at Ravi's question. An odd sensation took over his palms. A warmth beyond his perception. "I'm between worlds." He met the eyes of his opponent. A gentle nod let him know he was right. Of course Ravi knew all about the trial between life and death. A game really, if you succeed you get to return to the mortal coil. If you fail you either dive into an eternity of confusion and torment or you continue the journey of the soul. 

"What game have you selected for me?" The young man asked as he rose from the floor to look this creature in the face. "Clearly it is one of self recognition. Otherwise you would look like someone other than me." Another chill ran up his arm and down his spine as he felt another impact of warmth. "You have friends on the other side Ravi Ross..." The creature was eyeing the same hand he kept feeling the sensation with. 

"What do you mean?" Just then a loud crash echoed from further back in the cooler, followed by a whine and the sound of a girls voice. "Hello?" It was Emma. Ravi looked back to see the creature was gone. Never has he read of a trial in which more than one soul could enter. "In here!" The boy called out to his sister. 

She came around the corner and smiled when she saw him racing over to throw her arms around his neck. "What's happening?" She was shaking in his frail clutch. "We are between worlds." He assured her. "A misconception of life in a unnecessary death." 

Wondering back over to the wall he pressed against it to glide against the silver onto the tile to sit. He stared off at nothingness as his sister peered through the tiny bullet proof glass window in the door. Out there she saw a void of light and darkness. She saw the universe. 

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