Chapter Five-Postcard

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I always loved musicians, the way they show such passion through their fingers or mouths was impeccable. So much so, I learned to play one myself. Not for glory or even passion, but playing the piano was a way to pour my thoughts and soul into a series of notes that drifted my mind into an endless dream.

My aunt had shown me the piano room yesterday and it was a definite struggle to drag myself from it. It was beautifully simplistic, a decently sized room that besides the wall that held the door to it, was made of glass windows that spanned from the floor to the ceiling. There were couches and chairs that lined the un-glassed wall but in the center was a grand piano.


"I'm tellin' ya Matts, you gotta hear this!"

Allen seemed happy this morning when he almost ran François over, too happy.

"What's so damn important you had to drag my ass all the way out to Celly's?"


Al held out his arm to stop me as we neared the house. The faint sound of music became apparent as the birds silenced.

"Hear that?...told ya this was important!"

Al then ran off towards the sound as I quickly followed. I haven't heard that song years. Funny enough, it attracted the others as well.


I hum the words to myself, I don't like singing the words as I'm a terrible singer. Nothing like my mother. She always sang it when I was little but stopped when I grew-

"No way Celly! I remember the old days when you played-."

Allen, Matt, and aunt Celeste walked into the room but stopped when they saw me.

"See, told you it wasn't me. You know Elly knew the song as well."

Ellayna and Celeste. Elly and Celly. My grandmothers only two children. Now all that's left of her is me. My aunt was the oldest and my mother the younger by a year. Of course she also knew our song, she probably wrote it.

"Sorry aunt Celeste, I really should go eat now."

"Oh no worries dear, though I would like you to finally eat, that's not why we're here."

"Yeah, it's because of that pretty song you played!"

Allen exclaimed cheerfully, Matt grunted while nodding in response.

"Sorry, Celeste refuses to play it but we love hearing it. Ahem. I didn't know you played."

"Oh this ole thing? Haha it's been awhile since I've actually played. I thought you guys were coming to stop my horrid music!"

The three of them laughed, myself included, until the room got quiet. Awkwardly quiet.

"So know any other songs?"
Allen asked.

"Of course! Sorry I just don't like playing in front of people, I feel silly."

"Well you certainly never look stupid bambino (baby)."

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