Chapter 9: Logan and Minnie, I'm Always with You

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(Makoto's POV)

            It was time for bed, and my daddy is going to tuck me in! Today is the day I finally find out how he and mommy fell in love! I want to know so bad! My mommy was out of the country for a few days. She had to visit grandmother and her friend, Mr. Honda. I walked to my daddy entered the room with his cup of hot coco. He placed it on the dresser as he sat on the edge of the bed.

"So, what kind of bedtime story would you like to hear tonight, my little princess?" he asked happily as he smiled at me.

"When did you and mommy have your first kiss!" I asked eagerly as I sat up in bed.

My daddy seemed a bit surprised at me and then he asked with a curious smile, "Why do you want to hear that story?"

I puffed my cheeks in annoyance as I stated seriously, "Liberty was able to hear the story! Why can't I?"

My daddy just smiled at me and nodded his head.

(When the Dreamers were sitting protecting the worlds + Logan's POV)

I was sitting in the lunchroom, eating my sandwich and playing my Switch. I had recently purchased Let's Go Pikachu. The other Dreamers soon joined me and seemed to be discussing another holiday coming up besides Valentines Day.

"White Day?!" Connor and Jesa asked surprised.

"It is a holiday where boys give chocolate to girls" Mary informed excitedly as she glanced at the entrances.

"It is Japanese holiday" Jiwon added to reassure the couples that this was not a traditional holiday celebrated in America.

Though, this did remind me of Minnie. She didn't have any family to celebrate this holiday. She probably wanted to celebrate it with someone. Someone elbowed my side. I turned to see Soren smiling at me.

"I know who you are thinking of. Ask Nina for some help. She, Jiwon, and Minnie are very close when it comes to things like this" Soren whispered to me with a wink.

I just nodded my head as I tapped my commlink and texted Nina and Jiwon to meet me outside of the cafeteria after lunch. The two girls meet and greeted me warmly.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" Nina asked warmly.

"I assume it has something to do with Minnie" Jiwon reasoned with a knowing smile.

I turned away from them as I blushed. Nina cooed at Logan in joy as Jiwon just nodded her head.

"So, you want to celebrate White Day?" Jiwon asked calmly.

"Yes, but I do not want to mess this up" I told them.

Nina cleared her through as she explained proudly, "First things first, Minnie will return your feelings regardless of what you do. Second, you just have to get her chocolates she likes"

I wasn't sure about Minnie actually liking me for me. The two of us have been through a lot together. I didn't expect to develop feelings for her, but I have never saw someone who was willing to help others to make the worlds a better place.

"Don't worry. You are just overthinking this" Jiwon pointed out calmly, "If you really want some help, we can help you ask Minnie out and prepare a wonderful, traditional date with her"

I looked at them, surprised. I didn't expect them to openly help me with this.

Nina placed her hand on my shoulder as she reassured, "You're a Dreamer and our friend. We are going to help each other out!"

I smiled at them in relief. I am so glad that I have friends who were willing to help me out.

"So, what should I wear? And what should I do?" I asked them concerned.

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