(Chapter 4) A little Surprise

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When we all got back to the KKK Craig decided to draw me away to ask me some questions. Much to Frisks disliking.





I was fed up with this guys shit, like come on what's with all these fucking questions? I'm not gonna be stealing this guys job or some shit. "Geez, Sorry, sorry, I didn't know bagels get offended so easily" my eye twitched, "go fuck yourself" realizing my emotions coming out I breath in. "It doesn't matter" he raises a eyebrow. "Eh" bitch naw, that's my line. I lift my hand and flip him off, he does the same to me. A small smile is ghostly on my face, "You know your not bad" I state, he also has a ghost of a smile, "can't say the same for you" I flip him off again. "I was joking jack off"

"You sure?" He gave a sly smirk. "shut up" deciding to no longer talk to this guy, "Hey where you going?" I flip my hand up more and flip him off once again for the third time. "Fuck off" Tweek ran over, "GAH! S-sorry... for him ACK! He's grumpy right now GAH!" I shrug, "so what, it doesn't matter... he can be an ass all he wants as long as it's not to Frisk"

"GAH! you really care for him ACK!"

I nod, "of course, Frisk is like everything to me"

Tweek nods, "I understand"

I give a smile to Tweek, so far he's the only one other than Frisk in this town who can make me actually smile.

Tweek takes hold of my hand, "Come on Y/n, GAH! I think C-Cartman want us for something!" He drags me all the way to Cartmans ugly little tent thing, "Yes oh glorious Fatass?" I state walking in, "ugh... Princess Y/n, Prince Kenny wants you two to hang out for a while as in fucking quit the game for an hour or so, so that he can show you around town. And I have stupidly agreed."

I raise an eyebrow, "so the reason for Tweek is?" Cartman looked surprised before making a 'oh' shape with his mouth "Oh yeah, Well Craig is upset about some strange shit and came in here saying he's going home so since we all know that Craig and Tweek are Gay fags he has o go comfort his boyfriend"

I wince at the word, "Don't say that word, it's offensive and I'm pretty sure no one hear likes it"

Cartman rolls his eyes, "Do you think I care?"

"Do you think I don't care?"

I roll my eyes as he's stunned and grab Prince Kenny dragging him away and saying goodbye to Tweek with a little side hug for good luck.

Kenny smirks at me, "Wow Princess, only been here like one day and already have a crush?"

"Crush?" I question staring at him, "Well I mean you only smile for Tweek and your brother Frisk, and you only smile for Frisk since like I said his your brother... so what else could make you smile at Tweek?" I push Kenny lightly, "Idiot!"

Kenny smirks at me, "Hey you know it's true!" I punch Kenny a little harder. Kenny just smirks more, "The more you deny it the more it make me think I'm right!"

"God damn it Kenny I do not have a crush!"

"You sure about that?"

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