All I could think about is me being a "rape baby" all of a sudden my face got wet. I quickly wiped it away before anyone noticed. I already know Quincy saw it cause he was still staring at me.

All of a sudden it got quiet once a naked woman walked in she walked straight to Quincy's desk as he moved his eyes off of me to the lady's ass. Once she got to Quincy's desk she bent over seductively, and whispered something in his ear.

"Awkward." Kj stated.

"Black can you take me home please?" i asked while standing up and stretching.

"Nae, you really gone let some hoe talk to your nigga and make you leave, noo son." Joey said.

"Fuck off." Kareem told him.

"That ain my nigga, fuck him and her i dont give a fuck." I stated matter of factly.

"Yeah come on." Black said while grabbing his keys.

Quincy was too busy talking to the woman to even notice that i was leaving.

Quincy's pov

When Chlo left I realized two people were missing. Nae and Black.

"Yoo, where they went ?" I asked as i was pointing towards the couch they were sitting on.

"Black going take Nae home oh and she said fuck you." Joey said while shrugging.

"Why she said fuck me ?" I asked they all looked at me like i was dumb.

"Honestly it's Joey and Kj fault, they made Nae think that dat had nothing to do with business." Kareem said.

"Why the fuck would yall do that.... honestly I don't care she can't get mad she ain't my girl." I stated while shrugging.

"Funny, she said the same thing 'that ain't my nigga i don't give a fuck' yall act just a like."

"Yeah, yeah whatever nigga but ima catch yall niggas later im finna holla at moms right quick."

"nahh, you finna go holla at Nae." The boys said i flipped em off as i walked out the room.

After a 20 minute drive i found myself outside of Nae's house. I knocked on the door and her mom opened it looked as though she's been crying.

"Whats wrong ma you good ?" I asked her

"Yeah—" she was cut off my hearing a glass being broken.

I ran straight to Naveah's room when i walked in i seen it was a mess clothes was everywhere her lamp was on the floor shattered.

Everything that was on her dresser was now on the floor. Her mattress was thrown across the room. Her bathroom door was open and i heard her cries.

I ran to the bathroom to see her crying with a bloody fist and a shattered mirror i instantly knew she punched the mirror.

I went got a towel and kneeled down to the floor where she was and wrapped the towel around her hand she jumped once she i touched her. She looked at me and cried harder.

"T-tthhheeeyyy was riightt."she said while choking on her words.

"I-i thought ii-tt wass a lie b bbut itss true Quincyyy aanndd eevveerryyybboodddy kknneeww before me everybody knows." she said while crying even harder.

"Baby, whats true ? What are they right about." I asked her. It broke my heart to see her like this.

"Quincy its embarrassing." she cried out.

"Naveah can you please just tell me?" i said in all seriousness.


"and the fact that my whole fucking school knew before i did its just crazy like who would know that ? now everybody's going to see me as a rape baby. Everybody's going to be looking at me like im helpless or they'll just laugh." She told me while her tears dried up.

"Nae, im really sorry but it doesn't matter how you got here at least your here now. At least your mom loves you and still had you. In most situations like this the mother ends up aborting the child. But your mom didn't and she loves you unconditionally. And Nae since when you cared about what other people view you as ? That's something that i like about you. You dont care about what people have to say about you or what they look at you as and your not about to start caring now. And far as who told everyone your business we gone find that out later but now my number 1 priority is to make sure your straight." I told her honestly while holding her in my chest while still sitting on the bathroom floor.

I actually really like Nae to say she is so young she is mature as fuck.

At first all i wanted to do was smash but that ain't even in my mind no more i want to mines and not for nobody else.

"Umm Nae are you still friends with Nia ?" Her mom asked as she appeared in the doorway. I wonder how long she was standing there.

But instead of speaking Nae just shook her head no while looking at the ground.

"Well, one night-" Nae's mom started talking as she propped herself up on the bathroom counter.

"I came home pissy drunk, and you were upstairs sleep and i was in the dining room sitting at the table going through old photos. Till Nia joined me and i just started to cry and rant on about how i stayed with him after what he did to me. Nia comforted me and was asking what i was talking about and I explained to her everything and when i say everything i mean everything but i told her to never tell a soul not even you and she promised she wouldn't but i guess she broke that promise because she could be the only person to tell." Her mom explained us.

I just shook my head if my brother ever marry that bitch i will reject at the wedding or im not going or being apart of that bitch.

"momma im sorry that he had did that to you but why did you stay ?" Nae asked.

"Because i wanted to raise a child in a two parent household unlike i did."

Honestly to me that was a bad excuse.

"Umm can i stay with Quincy tonight ?" Nae asked.

"ugh yeah sure but before you leave i just want you to know that i love you."

"I love you too mom." Nae replied back as they embraced themselves in a hug.

"You need to pack some clothes or ?"

"I got some at your house already."

I should have known im always finding her clothes somewhere in my room.

Nae walked downstairs heading to my car. I was on my way out but Nae's mom stopped me.

"Umm, thank you for being here for her. I can tell you really like her, please keep my daughter safe." She told me i nodded my head before walking out the door.

When we pulled up to my house, Nae went straight to my room while I followed her.

When i got out the shower she was in my bed knocked out. I crawled in between her and laid my head on her stomach she instantly placed her hand on my head while rubbing her hands on my waves.

"Nae." i called out.


"Happy birthday baby" i told her i bet she probably forgot all about her birthday.

She chuckled before speaking. "Thank you bab." she said before i started to hear light snores.


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