Part 17

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All was organised so that Sweety said to her mom:"Okey, tomorrow is also your wedding! Ahh cannot wait Yaa."

Heera: "What do you mean? Tomorrow is your wedding sweetheart! "

Bikram: "Yes, tomorrow is Sweety's wedding but also our wedding at the same time!"

Heera: "How is that supposed to work? I have not organized anything ... the guests will all be shocked ... and no dress .. oh my god i do not even have a dress! No, let it move to another day. Please let's do it in another day!"

Sweety held her mother's hand.
Sweety: "Come with me."
They went into the room where Sweety had hidden the clothes.
She pointed to the right side.

Sweety: "All these clothes are yours and the most beautiful dress, whatever you liked, will become your official wedding dress."

Heera: "But ... but ... but you have ..."

Sweety: "No mom ... no, but it's all yours and no, I did not buy it for myself but for you. Dad and I organized everything. The guests all know that you also marry. Two weddings in one day. I could not imagine anything more !!"

Everything was done. Decorated everywhere. Sweetys Make up was finished. She was wearing her wedding dress. Everything was like fairy tales. Bikram went into Heera's room. He saw Heera with the beautiful dress. She was also finished with make-up and styled.
Bikram went to her. Heera had a mirror in front of her. She looked in it. Bikram hugged her from behind. He kissed her shoulders then her neck. Heera turned her head to the right. She looked Bikram in the face. Bikram kissed her forehead.

Heera: "Ooof how long we had to wait for this day.  With many obstacles!  Why did we have to suffer so much ? To endure so much pain? "

Bikram: "Ssssshhhh it's over.  It's all over.  Lots of pain  for a happy life to the end! "

Heera: "But I would have liked to raise our daughter together.  Instead of being in jail. "

Bikram: "If you really want it so if you really want to raise a kid with me, let's make our 2nd baby.  Hehehehe. "

The two laughed.  Sweety saw and heard everything.  The door was open.  She went in and hugged her parents.

Sweety: "But I do not want to be pregnant at the same time mum!  Hahah wedding is enough .... I love you.  God should protect us.  Everything will be fine from today! "

The celebration started and everybody danced.  The wedding went on for several days.  Everyone was happy and finally Bikram and Heera were very happy and satisfied.  And no one who could separate them.

The End

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