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AVERY AND sebastian stepped out of the car and were greeted by flashes and screams of fans. as they walked down the purple carpet, avery subconsciously wrapped her arm around sebastian's for pictures. the two were stopped to sign autographs and take photos with fans.

after a while, they met up with the rest of the cast and their plus ones, who were mainly husbands, wives, boyfriends and girlfriends, or moms. people were pulled away for interviews, including sebastian and avery.

'so, guys, a lot of rumours have been going around that you two are dating? care to address these rumours?' the interviewer got straight to the point after greeting the two.

'right now, we are just friends, and that's all we want for the foreseeable future, because in 2019, a man and a woman can be just friends' avery spoke to the interviewer, shocking both her and sebastian.

'well, i'm glad that's cleared up, now, sebastian, since you and avery are not a couple, is their a woman in your life?'

'my mom? i-' he awkwardly chuckled. 'i don't know, for now, there is no one, but hopefully in the future' his eyes were pinned on avery, who was staring at the floor, and they were then moved into the theatre.

three hours, many tissues and a two boxes of popcorn later, the theatre was cleared, with not a dry eye in sight. avery was a fan since she was in her early twenties when the first iron man came out, so seeing his ending in the movie made her bawl her eyes out, as did seeing black widow sacrifice herself. she was almost shocked when she looked over to see robert and scarlet, remembering she is back in reality.

sebastian came behind her and grabbed her arm, causing her to jump.

'hey' he said, smiling. 'i can't believe you're still crying, it's cute' she chuckled as he wiped away a tear that fell from her eye.

'in my opinion, you should have gotten the sheild'

'that's what i said! falcon has no where near as much experience as bucky, plus, i would look so much better in caps outfit' (can yall tell i'm bitter?)
the two laughed and avery wrapped her arm around sebastian's again.

'thank you, for letting me be your plus one, i had a great time'

'me too' they looked into eachothers eyes, but were interrupted by a very eager chris and elizabeth.

please pretend the GOT ending came out like a month earlier lol, but i am very bitter about both endings, as you can probably tell.

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