Chapter 2: Earth Skills ✯

Start from the beginning

"Jasper screamed when they moved him. If the spear struck his heart he'd have died instantly. Doesn't mean we have time to waste.", Clarke said. I walked over to her because she was the only one I currently felt safe with.

"As soon as you and that little girl take your wristbands off, we can go.", Bellamy said grabbing Clarke's arm and also reffering to me. I awkwardly looked at the ground. Again. Clarke pulled her arm out of Bellamy's grip.

"The only way the Ark is gonna think I'm dead, is if I'm dead. Got it?", Clarke said. I was impressed. I wanted to have the courage to say something like that as well.

"Brave princess.", Bellamy smirked but I could tell he was about to cry.

"Hey, why don't you get your own nicknames?", Finn yelled, walking over to us, "You call this a rescue party? Gotta split up, cover more ground. Clarke come with me."

And without that they both took off, not even looking back. Leaving me with the two biggest douchebags and Wells. I walked over to Wells so I wouldn't be left alone with Murphy or Bellamy.

"What about you, kid?", Bellamy said, looking at me.

"What?", I asked him, not knowing what he was talking about. He looked at my wristband raising his eyebrows. "Oh." I simply said and walked ahead of him. I didn't have a badass comeback like Clarke, and if I did, I wouldn't even dare to say it out loud.

"You gonna take it off?", He asked me.

"No, I'm good.", I mumbled.

"Oh, come on. You're not gonna tell me there's no one up there who hurt you. This is your chance. If you take that wristband off, you'll never have to see them again.", He said, making a really good point.

"I'm not taking it off.", I muttered and started walking in front of him.

"Why not?", He asked annoyed.

"Because, unlike you, I still have people up there that care for me.", I sassed and turned around, continuing to walk. I was too afraid for his reaction so instantly went as far away from him as possible.

"Guess we got more in common than meets the eye, huh?", Bellamy asked Wells. Well, it didn't really sound like a question.

"We have nothing in common.", Wells said.

I didn't listen to their conversation I just walked ahead of them, following Murphy, but not daring to walk next to him. I didn't like the guy.

"What's a little girl doing in this big world?", He asked me. Shoot.

"I'm not little.", I spat. I hated being called little. I know I'm short but I'm already 12 which means I'm a young woman.

"Whatever the hell you want, little girl.", He smirked and I rolled my eyes, not knowing what to say without getting into trouble.

We met Finn and Clarke after they found rocks with blood on.

"Hey, how do we know this is the right way?", Murphy asked.

"We don't. The spacewalker thinks he's a tracker.", Bellamy said. I rolled my eyes at his stupid comment.

"It's called cutting sign. Fourth year of Earth Skills. He's good.", Wells spoke up. I remember the earth lessons we got from Pike. No one payed attention, but if I knew we were going to be sent down to earth, I would've listened.

"You wanna keep it down or should I paint a target on your back?", Finn said sarcastic making me snort.

Finn and Clarke bowed down and looked at pebbles. Then they looked at each other with a worried look.

"See? You're invisible.", I heard Bellamy say but I didn't pay too much attention to him.

Then we heard a loud moan. It sounded like a boy.

"Jasper.", I mumbled. I ran off to where the sound was. I heard someone call for me but I kept running.

I stopped when I came to a large tree where Jasper was tied up to. I stood there shocked as the others joined me.

"Someone has to get him out of there!", I yelled hoping someone would climb in that tree. I've never climbed in a tree before and I was scared I might fall out.

"I will!", I heard Finn say.

Behind me, I heard Clarke scream and I looked back seeing Bellamy holding her from falling into a well. When they pulled Clarke out I yelled for them.

"Finn, hurry!", I yelled making him glare at me. "Stop glaring, and start cutting."

"My apologies, shorty.", Finn simply answered. "You," He said pointing at Wells, "stay with Clarke and the kid. And watch him." He said pointing to Bellamy.

But then we heard a growling from behind us. I turned around to see a sort of panther. I didn't hesitate to climb in the tree. Just to be safe. It went easier than I thought it'd be.

It ran towards Bellamy and Clarke. Bellamy lost his gun so this wasn't gonna end well. Suddenly, we heard a gun shot, seeing Wells was the one who fired. Two times. Three times.

Right as it was about to attack Bellamy we heard a fourth and final gun shot. Good job, Wells.

"Now she sees you.", Bellamy said as I told Finn to cut faster.

We arrived back at camp when a kid yelled "They're back."

"Is he-", Monty asked.

"He's alive.", Clarke said.

I saw Octavia and walked over to her.

"Hey.", She said smiling at me.

"Hey.", I said. I wasn't really that type of person to start conversations but I wanted to get to know Octavia.

We talked for a little while when we saw Bellamy taking off the bracelets of kids so they could get a piece of meat. I was hungry but I didn't wanna take my wristband off. I told Octavia I had to go talk to Clarke and Finn and she nodded, telling we'd talk later.

"Finn! Clarke!", I yelled.

"What's up, shorty?", Finn said coming down along with Clarke.

"Bellamy and Murphy are forcing them to take off their wristbands if they wanna eat.", I said.

"Do you want your bracelet off?", Finn asked me.

"No.", I replied in a 'duh' tone. I wanted my wristband off because it was annoying, but I kept it on so the Ark could come down.

"Go grab your food. What are they gonna do? You're just a kid and they said there were no rules. It's fine, shorty.", Finn said ruffling my hair. I smiled and nodded walking over to Murphy as Finn stopped me.

"Grab some for me and Clarke too, will ya?", He said smirking. I rolled my eyes and nodded.

I wanted to grab a stick but Murphy stopped me.

"Wait, wait, wait. What, you think you play by different rules?", Murphy said, being the dick he was.

I looked over at Finn who nodded, telling me it was okay. I grabbed all the courage I got and spoke up.

"I thought there were no rules?", I acted confident, but deep down I was dying of nervousness. I walked away with the three sticks in my hands, leaving Murphy speechless. Finn smiled at me.

"Good job, shorty.", Finn said and he ruffled my hair.

With that, the three of us walked away to eat our dinner.

I got so many ideas for this book:) so excited to write them down!!
Hope you enjoyed, make sure to leave a comment and vote:)
Ella Flores.
[updated 10/10/'20]

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