First day

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'Sarah.. wake up, honey. Its the first day of school.' I slowly open my eyes. 'Mom, what time is it?' I'm sounding really sleepy. 'It's 6:30, come on I'll make you some breakfast.' 'Wait, 6:30? But school starts at 9, mom!' My mother always wakes me up early on the first day of school. 'Yeah, but I just don't want you to be late. Now, come on honey, get out of bed and I'll make you some breakfast.' 'Mmhm..' My mom walks out of my room and slowly I get one leg out of my bed. Ugh. Now the other one. With some really weird movements I finally rolled myself out of bed. First. Day. Of. School. Shit. I hope my class will be nice this year. Senior grade, my last year in high school. Finally. I grab my make-up bag with the text 'Wake up, beautiful' on it. Well, thank you, make-up bag. But I look like a zombie right now. I walk downstairs to go to the bathroom. We only have a bathroom downstairs, which is really annoying sometimes. But hey, I shouldn't complain. At least we have one. I cleanse my face with water, then start doing my eyebrows. Ok. Eyebrows done. Now mascara. I grab my phone to see what time it is. Oh, it's just 6:50. I have all the time left, my train leaves at 8:15. I take my time to do my mascara, and then when I'm finally finished I wipe all the tampered spots away, because I'm always a real mess when it comes to mascara. Ok, I'm done. I don't wear a lot of make-up, 'cause I don't like that much on me. I walk to the kitchen where my mom made me breakfast. Two croissants with a glass of orange juice. If you're thinking: you lucky bastard, does your mom always make you breakfast? Nope, it's only on the first day of school. Just like she wakes me super early. Which I don't like, but on the other hand I kinda do, because then I have the time of the world to get ready. But I'd rather sleep though. 'Thanks, mom.' I'm thinking about how the first day of school is going to be, while eating tiny bits of my croissant. I hope I will have a nice class, for once. 'Looking forward to your first day?' My mom asked me that with a concerned look on her face. Mom, no I am not. Duh. 'Yeah, a little.' 'I bet you're going to have a good day. Senior year already, my little girl is growing so big!' My mom hasn't stopped saying that since I turned 18, 2 months ago. 'I know, mom. Time's flying.'

It's almost 8 o' clock, time to go. Do I have everything? I guess I do. I open the door and say: 'Bye, mom. See you this afternoon!' I hear my mom saying loudly from upstairs: 'Bye honey, have a great first day!' I close the door and start walking to the trainstation. It's less than a 10 minute walk to the station, so that's definitely a benefit. While walking, I'm thinking about Lili. Lili is my best friend, I would not know how I'd survive school without her. She makes school at least a little more bearable. Lili and I haven't seen eachother all summer! She had been busy, I have been busy. I'm really looking forward to see her again! We told eachother to meet at my locker. Wait, what time is it? Oh, 8:04. I'm almost there, and my train leaves at 15 so I've still got plenty of time. I'm always that kind of person who leaves just in time, so that when I'm there I have like one minute left, or even zero. Or I'm too late and I see the train drive away right in front of me. Yup, that's me. But not today, probably the first and the last day I got this much time left.

- Hiii readers! My name is Janneke, I'm a Dutch 19-year-old girl and I'm new on Wattpad. Well not actually new, I've used it before, but that was like 3 years ago. But I actually really like writing books! I just don't always got the time. When I suddenly came up with the idea to write again, I was like, why not? So I started writing this book. I hope you like it so far! If you are reading this, please leave a comment if you like it and further ideas are always welcome! :) Oh and btw, English is not my motherlanguage, so if there are any mistakes in my book, feel free to tell me! I would really appericiate that! -

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2021 ⏰

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