Pt6 (sensitive subject)

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TW: mentions of sexual abuse/pedophilia

"What do you mean you couldn't get (l/n) to listen!?"
Xerxes hissed through his burner phone.

A sigh could be heard.
"I... What my sources told me was that it was hard to talk to the cleaner's boss. I only knew that there would be a test of some sort, I swear I have never expected it to be incredibly tasking."

Xerxes let out a frustrated groan.
"Im disappointed in you, Zion. The infamous Water Lily, the most feared contract killer in Resson. Couldn't pass a test!? I expected more from a cold blooded, experienced killer. What the hell was the 'test' about anyways!?"

Water Lily, or Zion, clenched his jaw and fists.
"If you think it's that easy, take it yourself. I am done working with you. Good. Bye."

"What!? No-"
Zion hung up.
He smashed the burner phone onto the ground in sheer anger.
Unbelievable! The person who he thinks is most capable of convincing you to lose some of your cleaners without going on a strike let him down.

Guess he had to see how your personality is for himself.

A week has passed since the incident, it had earned you the nickname of "herbicide". The bullet hole in your office's wall was covered up with a large poster of a babe.

Once again, you and Viagra found yourselves in the same park.
Sleeping on the same bench, using Viagra as a pillow.

This time, you wore a frilly, pink sundress and magneta kitty pumps instead of your usual dirty wife beaters, stained washed jeans, tattered sneakers and thick, worn out jacket.
Why? You didn't want anyone recognizing you instantly, so you wore something different today.

Now, you sleep with an adult magazine covering your face.
Of course, you concidered the fact that many will probably recognize Viagra.

You covered Viagra in... powdered Viagra. Now it looks like it has blue fur.
You could have used baby powder instead, but a Kilo of Viagra was cheaper than a bottle baby powder in Resson, so you went with that.
You didn't really get the logic but hey, it saves you some money.

"Nice gettup boss."
A body picker commented as he passed by.

You yawned and removed the indecent magazine before rubbing your eyes.
"I shoulda be a model then, its better than this crappy torture. Wanna be my partner in business when it happens?"

The bodypicker rubbed his chin.
"Hm, maybe you could be a model for beautiful legs. As for your face...? Not so much. To be frank, boss. I never expected you to have legs in such a pristine condition."

You scoffed.
"What, you don't?"
He shrugged.

"With the nature of our jobs, do we really need to go through the pain of shaving your legs?"

You clicked your tongue.
"I can tell you ain't caring for yourself. How could you leave out scrubbing, moisturizing and sunscreen? And for the record, I don't shave, I WAX. Shaving doesn't make it all smooth."

"Huh? But why? I don't see the point, boss. We handle with maggots, blood, shit and piss. Why go through the trouble to maintain such an image?"

You took out a bottle of sunscreen and started applying on your arms
"Do you believe in a higher power? Yeah its for mine. F-Y-I, my carpets don't match my drapes. Cause' there ain't any carpets to begin with."

The bodypicker scrunched his nose.
"For real? Its empty down there?"

You nodded.
"Yep. 100% waxed. Gave me an infection every week but it's worth it."

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