"Banish Huang Peng from Huang Clan Manor?" Huang Ming frowned, "That's not very good, right?"

"Who cares if it's good or not." Huang Wei subsequently added, "Dad, you've said before, to be successful, one should not bother with trifling matters. If that Huang Peng remains here in Huang Clan Manor, he will always be a risk factor for Dad. Ever since the last Clan Assembly, Grandfather's attitude towards Huang Peng has changed a hundred and eighty degrees, and you are aware of it yourself. Not only that, many of the Manor Elders had leaned towards Huang Peng's side and tongues are already wagging around the manor that there is a high chance that Grandfather would pass the Manor Lord position to Huang Peng!"

At this time, Huang Jun supported Huang Wei, saying "What little brother said is reasonable. Dad, we can use Huang Peng offending my Master as an excuse to persuade Grandfather to banish Huang Peng from Huang Clan Manor!"

Huang Ming remained silent.

"Dad, there's nothing to worry about!" Huang Wei persuaded.

Huang Min's raised his head, looking at his two sons as he nodded.

Two days passed.

Today is now the First Day of New Year. Like many years of tradition, the Huang Clan Manor had a festive atmosphere and red New Year decorations were everywhere in the manor. The mood was especially high and festive in the Northern Courtyard, and the quiet Eastern Courtyard was a stark comparison.

While the Huang Clan Manor's guards and servants were busy with preparation, a few miles outside of Huang Clan Manor, several figures were braving the snow ladened road, heading closer to the Huang Clan Manor.

Seeing the outline of the Huang Clan Manor getting closer and closer, a sudden excitement rose in Xiaolong's heart.

Finally, he had returned to the Huang Clan Manor!

Dad, Mom, your son is back!

Soon, Huang Xiaolong reached the open space in front of Huang Clan Manor's main entrance and stood there, looking at the door.

He remembered the scene from one year ago when he left Huang Clan Manor with Fei Hou, and his parents stood on this exact spot, watching his departure.

At this time, snow floated down from above and some landed on Huang Xiaolong's body, exuding small bursts of coldness.

"It's snowing again," Huang Xiaolong muttered to himself– there was a big snowstorm at the end of last year too.

Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou stood a few steps behind Huang Xiaolong and neither said anything as they waited for Huang Xiaolong.

"Haa Haa Haa!" At this moment, the little violet monkey on Xiaolong's shoulder squeaked excitedly; on this trip back to the Huang Clan Manor, Huang Xiaolong of course brought the little violet monkey back with him.

The little violet monkey's squeaking seemed to pull Xiaolong back from his reminiscing. He glanced at the little guy bouncing on his shoulder and smiled; apparently, this little guy was urging him to go in quickly.

"Let's go home!" Huang Xiaolong chuckled, lifted his feet and stepped through the door.

Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou followed after Huang Xiaolong into Huang Clan Manor.

However, when Xiaolong walked into the Huang Clan Manor, he noticed the guards and servants avoided him from miles away with strange expressions on their faces. This raised doubt and suspicion in Huang Xiaolong.

When he was near the Eastern Courtyard, he spotted his little brother Huang Xiaohai squatting in one corner, hitting the snow on the ground with a little stick while crying.

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