Chapter 90

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We had detention that weekend in the Great Hall with Umbridge. We were walking out, quite a few students silently crying, and throwing death glares at Cho for ratting us out. I had been suspended from being a Prefect for a week for lying and participating. I let a few tears roll down my cheeks as I rushed back to the common room, a freshly written message over my scarred one. I walked up to the painting and it just swung open, obviously not wanting to have anything to do with me. I walked in and people were immediately death glaring me. I rushed up to the dormitories but got stopped by someone grabbing the hood on my robe. I fell backwards, my crutches sliding away from me. My hand was now on display for everyone to see. I heard the familiar cackle of Pansy Parkinson.

"Leave me alone, Parkinson." I said.

"What? No insult this time?" Pansy asked, a hint of shock in her voice.

"No, I'm not in the mood." I answered. "I don't want to throw insults around at the moment, I just want to go up to my dormitory and study for the O.W.L's."

Millicent and Faith grabbed my crutches and helped me up. They gave me my crutches and I walked upstairs. I walked into the dormitory and sat at my desk. I grabbed my bandages and bandaged up my hand. I sighed as I heard the door open then close. I looked out the corner of my eye into my vanity mirror to see who entered. It was just Faith.

"Was my sister involved?" Faith asked.

"I tried to stop her but her boyfriend convinced her to join." I answered.

"Did you all have detention today?" Faith asked.

"Unfortunately...... Faith, believe me, I tried to stop her, I even convinced Harry to cancel a lesson so she couldn't sign up, but I let my guard down for one day, and she slipped in." I answered.

Faith ran out of the dorm, most likely to find Hope. I sighed and grabbed my notebooks, textbooks, quill, and ink. I started studying, ignoring everything around me.

~ Timeskip ~

"Andrea, it's time for dinner." Millicent said.

"I said I need to study..... Bring me something back if you want, I don't care...." I mumbled.

I was halfway through a paragraph when I was lifted up by two arms. I screeched.

"Put me down! I need to study for O.W.Ls!" I screeched.

"Millicent brought me in here to drag you down to dinner." I heard Blaise say.

I huffed in annoyance as I watched Millicent walking ahead of us with my crutches.

"And besides, Madame Pomfrey's been looking for you." Millicent said.

I groaned in annoyance.

"Can I at least walk by myself?" I asked.

"Yes." Millicent answered.

Blaise put me down and Millicent handed me my crutches. I yawned and hopped down the stairs to the common room. We walked to the Great Hall and to our table. We sat in our usual spots and I yawned again. I rubbed my eyes tiredly and got some food.

"You tired?" Blaise asked.

"Yeah, studying does that to you." I answered.

My glasses started sliding down my nose and I sighed in annoyance. I pushed them up and started eating. I suddenly started choking on nothing. Millicent patted my back roughly trying to help me. I eventually stopped coughing and reached out to grab my cup but Blaise quickly knocked it over whilst saying:


I looked at him weirdly.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"I saw Malfoy slip something in your drink whilst you were choking." Blaise answered in a whisper.

I picked up my goblet which still had some pumpkin juice in it. I took a sniff of it and quickly gasped. I put - more like slammed - my goblet back in its place. I pulled my wand out of my shoe.

"Zabini, move." I growled.

Blaise stood up and I slid over into his spot.

"Hey, Malfoy." I said, a little sweetly.

Draco focused on his food as I jabbed my wand into his side.

"Trying to poison me, are we?" I asked.

"No...." Draco answered.

I giggled and lifted my wand to his throat.

"I know you slipped something into my goblet whilst I was choking...." I said. "It smelled like wolfsbane....."

Draco noticeably gulped.

"Attempt to poison me again, and I'll jinx you." I hissed.

I slid back into my seat and Faith gave me her pumpkin juice. I drank some of it and we continued eating. When we finished Faith got called by someone so Millicent helped me to the hospital wing. I hopped in and Madame Pomfrey ushered me to a bed.

"Walk on it." Madame Pomfrey said.

I walked to Millicent and back in pain.

"Alright. On the bed." Madame Pomfrey said.

I got on the bed and she scribbled something on her clipboard. She put a bit of pressure on it and I winced in pain. She scribbled something on her clipboard again.

"Have you been walking on it like I told you to? Not too much pressure?" Madame Pomfrey asked.

"Yes." I answered. "During Quidditch practice."

Madame Pomfrey nodded and scribbled something down on her clipboard.

"Walk on it more often, from you're dorm to you're common room and back." Madame Pomfrey said.

"Ok, I will." I replied.

"You're free to go." Madame Pomfrey said.

I nodded and left with Millicent. We walked to the common room where people immediately threw me death glares. I went up to the dorm and sat at my desk. I turned on the lights and moved everything around in search of my quill. I looked at my bed where a note, my quill, and a box sat. I picked them up and set them on my desk. I put my quill in its holder. I grabbed the note and read it.

Dear Andrea,

Fred gave me these chocolates and asked me to give them to you so I did that for him! He said that he hopes you enjoy them!

From, Faith

"Turn off the lights, I'm trying to sleep......" I heard Faith say.

"She needs to study apparently." Millicent said.

"I think I'll just hop into bed and eat these chocolates from Fred." I said.

I walked over to my bed and turned off the lights. I placed the chocolates down and got changed into my PJ's. I got into bed and untied the ribbon on the box. I opened it and the smell of chocolate filled my nose. I grabbed a chocolate and popped it in my mouth. It melted in my mouth and I sighed in satisfaction.

!!DISCONTINUED!! 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙲𝚊𝚗'𝚝 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙼𝚎! {Draco Malfoy x OC}On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara