Cakes and blood. ayayui

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The breeze was in a playful mood today.

'Ugh!' Ayato grumbled, as he continued to push his hair out of his face, utilizing both of his hands.

Kanato barged in, to encounter Ayato sitting on the balcony, visibly struggling with his hair.

'Get out of here, Kanato.' Ayato shouted.

'Was it you who screamed?' Kanato asked innocently.

'I DIDN'T SCREAM!' Ayato shouted again, holding his hair behind.

'Was it Laito with another one of his "beloved" cockroaches then?' Kanato wondered out loud.

'You were spying on me, weren't you?'

'Yeah,uh...But HEY!!Why are you sitting there? Thats MY singing spot?'Kanato retorted.

'Well...Its MINE now! Come and help me out now, eyebags.' Ayato argued

Kanato sighed. But almost immediately, his expression changed into a mischievous grin.

Ayato felt uneasy with Kanato's expression, but he was in no position to object.
Kanato came forward, and sloppily shoved two pieces of cake into ayato's mouth.

'Mmmmmrfffff...You.mmmmdmdmeur bas-mmmrfffff-tard.' Ayato growled.

'Alright, now to end all of this...' Kanato wiped his hands on Ayato's back. 'Better.' He smiled brightly.

Ayato, with his face stuffed with cake, shot Kanato a glare which screamed
'I will kill you in your sleep'.

'Alright, alright.' Kanato put his hands up in the air.' I am going to send Yui round to help you with your....misfortune.' Kanato smirked.

'Great' Ayato thought. The last thing he needed was for Yui to see him with cake splattered all over himself.

'Mmmrffffff!!!!!' Ayato attempted to say something. But that was it. It remained a mystery forever.

Kanato happily skipped away. Ayato was left with no alternative but to wait.

'Ayato!!' A concerned Yui came rushing in.

'Oh...' Her vision froze on Ayato. With his red locks covered in frosting, his clothing looked similar to that of a child who got a way too excited at a birthday party, attempted to swim in the birthday cake, and tried to clean it up with frosting.

'You aren't dying?'

Yui sighed. 'Um..Cant you just...swallow whatever is in your mouth?'

'Oh right....' Now that Yui said it, it seemed like an obvious thing to do.

'So umm..You arent dying?'

'Me? Dying?' Ayato let out hysterical laughter. "Vampires dont die that easy, you dense woman.'

'I am...just not used to it!!Ok?' Yui attempted to snap.

'Hmm...You look cute when angry. Come on. Sit down.' Ayato patted the empty space beside him.

'Here? On the balcony?Guess it can't hurt' She smiled with determination.

She walked forward, and attempted to sit down beside Ayato. She slipped and fell.

'Watch out.' Ayato caught her. And then he smiled.
He tossed her up just like an infant .

'AHHHHHHH'  Yui screamed.

'Keep quiet. You will wake the other perverts up.'

After playing around for a while, Yui finally managed to sit down beside Ayato. She even laid her head on Ayato's shoulder. Subconsciously of course.

'So you are not dying? And seeing me wasnt your dying wish? I was scared...but it looks like you have just got a....makeover.' Yui observed.

'Kanato wasnt it? That brat.' Ayato grumbled.

'Oh, and by the way...Can you do something about this?' Ayato pointed at his face. With his locks flying everywhere.

Yui smiled. 'I know!' She pulled out a bunch of rubber bands out of her pocket. She tied Ayato's hair with numerous little ponytails with each of them.

And thats how Ayato ended up with his hair tied in six little ponytails. He didnt object once, like the "good little girl'' he was.



'To be honest, he looks cute like this.' Yui thought.

'I can hear what you are thinking Yui.' Ayato said.

'Wha-? Did I say that out loud?' She was flustered.

'Its radiating off your body.' Ayato said gloomily.

They chatted away the day. They chatted until Yui's bedtime..

'Ok, its time to put the little girl to bed.Come on.' Ayato jumped over.

'Hey I am not a little gir- AHHAHHHAHAHAH'

Accidents dont look at the time and situation. They just welcome themselves.

'CHICHINASHI!!!!!' Ayato jumped after her. He was able to catch Yuil. Midair. He captured her in an embrace, hoping to refuce her trauma. But she still took damage.

Yui spent the rest of the month lying on her bed, staring at her palms. She was not the same.

She continued to speak. Only in small, disorted sentences. She was not handling her trauma well.

Something broke inside Yui that day. It wasnt only Yui though.
The air which graced Yui's soft skin during the fall, shattered and took away every last bit of Ayato's non existent heart, which it shattered on that day.

Ayato blamed himself. For Yui's fate. He waited for Yui to snap back into her old self.

He waited. And waited..

A/N I freaking give up. With my author powers, I declare that Yui WILL get back to normal. They will get married and have 7 kids. Please dont kill me.

This was dedicated toMistyaaml4ever and a friend of mine. My dear KOOKIE!!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2019 ⏰

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