My eyes narrowed to slits at his words, "No, I'm not. I hate you."

He shrugged, I was good height for a girl at 5 ft 7" but he was tall. He wasn't a skyscraper but he was definitely very tall and far taller than me at something like 6 ft 3" or maybe 6 ft 4"-that was a rough estimate. Never in my life had I imagined that I would at some point be in this sort of situation. I wasn't a nobody but I wasn't exactly a somebody either, however Dylan Morgan was more than a somebody. People like me simply didn't hang out with people like him.

It was just a high school thing—social statuses were everything.

"So, did Carmen get home last night?"

"Yeah, she did. Thank god because if our mom found out that we went out she'd ground me for life."

He smiled after that but didn't say anything else. I'd always argue that Chris Hemsworth had the best smile in the entire world but you know what, after seeing Dylan's right now I think that Dylan comes a very close second. His smile had the dimples and everything, his eyes crinkled giving him crow's feet under and his face lit up. His smile could make him look years younger in just seconds. I realised I was staring and reluctantly tore my stubborn gaze away from the beauty that is him.

Walking with him was probably the most exercise that I'd gotten in weeks, he was faster than me with longer legs and I had to increase my normal pace to keep up with him. Finally, we arrived at a small coffee shop that was hidden by other buildings.

"Ladies first," he swung the door open for me resulting in a grateful smile from me.

The coffee shop was cute with a distinct smell of cinnamon, the woman at the counter grinned widely as we entered. It seemed that Dylan was a frequent eater here because he'd already manoeuvred the both of us to a small table which he stated was "his table " which confirmed my thoughts-he was definitely not new to this place.

"Dylan! Long time no see, darling!" she grabbed his cheeks, kissing both of them affectionately to which Dylan, for the second time today turned a dark shade of crimson showing his mild embarrassment.

"Maria, this is Halle. Hal, this is Maria who is a family friend," her eyes flickered back and forth, making him add cautiously, "We aren't a, you know, a couple. Just so you know Maria."

She squeezed Dylan's cheek before smiling brightly at me then sassing, "Oh, honey. Trust me, I know. Not even you could get such a stunner like her, she's quite the looker, isn't she?" she was astonishingly forward but at the same time one incredibly cute old woman, "Now, loves, what would you like to eat?"

I sent Dylan a look, urging him to recommend something for me and he nodded, "Right. We'll both have the Dylan Special with coffee," he turned to me, "She named a meal after me, it's brilliant actually. The best you could get in town. I picked it specially for you," he hid a smile, "I was very considerate of the fact that your stomach is a lot hungrier than most."

He was never going to let that go, was he?

Scoffing, I threw a napkin at him. It was weak and missed by a couple of millimetres—well, actually no. It missed completely and ended up at another table. What? I have very bad aim. He laughed at the lame move as I sulked. I don't know why guys automatically assume that just because girls are girls, we should have small appetites—reality is that I eat like a pregnant cow as do many other girls. My stomach just had to growl when a guy was around.

"So, H, what's the matchmaking business like?" H? That's a new one. "Have you found me a match yet?"

I shook my head, "Well, I found Kade a couple of matches so she has a lot of blind dates coming up next week. I've found you a few but I'll keep on researching them before I set up a date for you. Matchmaking is surprisingly easy, it's basically finding someone that will complement the other. It is cliché but honestly, opposites do attract the most. They're most likely to stay together too. Everyone wants to bond over a topic but that hardly ever works. Opposition works best."

Confessions of a MatchmakerWhere stories live. Discover now