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A/N: I'm not dead! >D<
Drew and I walked back into town. First we stopped by the Pokémon centre, healing our Pokémon and changing our torn and tattered clothes into some fresh, new ones.

I decided to wear an orange sleeveless shirt with black cycling shorts. I switched my yellow waist-bag with a green one and decided to wear my green bandanna.

Once I was done, I made my way to the entrance of the centre where Drew was already waiting. He had changed into a collared purple button-up shirt and black pants.

"I sure hope you aren't that slow in general, I'm afraid we don't have the time for that." He scoffed once I approached him.

"And you used to complain that I finished too quickly." I remarked, smirking slightly. I watched him turn red and turn around.

"Just hurry up. Let's go to the market before it closes."

I laughed. "Alright, alright."

We walked down to the market and quickly bought some new supplies. Once we had gotten the basic needs, Drew went off to buy some other stuff while I walked around to keep an eye out for Brendan.

As I was walking, I felt myself crash into something as I fell onto the floor. I groaned. "What the hell dude!" I exclaimed, looking up.

A boy around my age was staring at me. He had big brown eyes and spiky brown hair that seemed to defy gravity.

"I beg your pardon, I should've been looking where I was going." He mumbled, holding out a hand for me to take. I grabbed it and he pulled me up. "You alright?"

"Yeah." I said, dusting off my outfit. "Sorry for bumping into you too. I'm May Maple, nice to meet you."

He nodded. "Gary Oak."

"Oak? As in Professor Oak?" I exclaimed, trying to see the similarities between the two, only to end up finding none.

"Yeah, he's my grandfather."

"Ah, that explains it."

There was an awkward silence for what seemed like forever. I bit my lip, trying to come up with a conversation starter. But in the end, he said the first word.

"So, May Maple, where were you headed in such a rush that you had to bump into me?" He asked, I wasn't sure if he was being sarcastic or not but I decided to laugh anyway.

"Nowhere in particular, just looking for someone."

He nodded. "I'm looking for someone too. You wouldn't happen to have seen a short, long-haired brunette around here, would you?"

I shook my head. "I'm afraid not. Girlfriend of yours?"

He seemed to turn red. "Uh, no... (well not yet at least)."

I couldn't hear what he said after and raised a brow. "I'm sorry, did you say something? I couldn't really hear you."

"No, no, it's nothing. Just-"

"GARY MOTHER-TRUCKING OAK!" A loud voice yelled from the distance. I looked past him and saw a young girl with long, brown hair approaching us angrily. She wore a sleeveless teal shirt, a red skirt and wore a white, broad-rimmed hat on her head.

"Ah, there she is." Gary muttered, ignoring the colourful language that the girl seemed to be throwing at him. If words were weapons, she would've killed everyone in the town square. Then again, if magic is real, then words could be weapons too.

"Hey there, sweetie. I've been looking for you." Gary smirked almost flirtatiously.

"Don't 'sweetie' me! I've been looking for your butt all day and my legs are starting to get sore!" She exclaimed, smacking him in the head.

I laughed as she turned to me.

"Oh! Hi there, I'm Leaf! Nice to meet you." She smiled, changing her personality almost immediately.

I raised a brow. "Hi, I'm May."

We shook hands as she turned back to Gary with an angry expression. "So? Where the hell have you been?!"

"Somewhere, sweetheart. I'm allowed to walk around, you know."

"Yes but at least tell me you're leaving so I don't spend my entire day looking for you! Didn't you hear? Team Magma members have been seen roaming the outskirts of the town. I was..." She trailed off. "Never mind. You could've gotten hurt."

"Aw, is Leafy worries about me?" Gary cooed, teasing Leaf who was now as red as a tomato.

"Of course not! I was just trying to make sure you didn't kill yourself." She huffed and turned towards me. "Anyway, May. What brings you to this town?"

I could feel a frown grow on my face but tried my hardest to replace it with a smile. "Oh, nothing. I'm just travelling with my friend."

Leaf grinned. "And where is this... friend... of yours?"

"Oi, September."

I rolled my eyes. "Speak of the devil."

Drew approached us, holding something in his hand. When he arrived, he turned to Leaf and Gary. "Who're they?"

"Gary Oak and Leaf." I explained. "I just met them right now when I accidentally bumped into Gary."

"Gary... Oak?" Drew asked. "Hey, isn't that the guy Ash used to talk about?"

Gary's head perked up. "You guys know Ash?"

"Everyone knows Ash, Gary." Leaf groaned. "He's like the main character of some anime or something. Everyone somehow knows who he is."

Gary rolled his eyes. "No need for the sarcasm, Miss I Can't Take A Joke."

"Shut up, Mr I Need A Life. My surname is Green. I'm Miss Green."

"How about I change your name to Mrs Oak, then?"

Gary had a large smirk on his face and Leaf turned redder than the most red thing on planet Earth. I laughed, Gary said they weren't dating but they sure acted like it.

"S-Shut up." Leaf mumbled, looking away. "I'm gonna kick your butt later."

"Ooh, kinky-" Before Gary could continue with his remark, Leaf had kicked him in the face and he came crashing to the ground. "S-sorry..." He mumbled.

"Sorry my butt." She turned to Drew and I. "I'm sorry about him. He's always this annoying, sadly."

"Don't worry." I smiled. "Same with him." I said, pointing to Drew who put on the most offended face he could muster.

"Excuse you! I'm amazing to hang around." He remarked, crossing his arms.

"Yes, of course." I said sarcastically. "Anyway, what's that you got in your arms there, Grasshead?"

"Brendan dropped it earlier. It has some sort of location on it, but I wasn't sure where it was. I bought a map just then to check where it was, and it's here."

"Here?" I asked, raising a brow. "Like in this town?"

"No, I mean here." He said, pointing to the ground where he was standing. "Exactly where I'm standing right now."

"What?" Leaf, Gary and I asked, staring at him.

But before our question could be answered, an explosion was heard from the distance. We all turned towards the Pokémon centre which was now engulfed in flames. Another explosion was heard by the mart.

We all looked at each other and froze, looking at the ground.

A beeping sound was heard before I felt a burning heat touch my face and I was blown away, crashing to the ground. My ears were ringing and every inch of my body hurt, but as I looked around, I was completely fine.

I looked ahead of me and saw the last thing I didn't know I never wanted to see.

A/N: they just can't take a break, can they?

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