Chapter Twenty-Seven

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After Mandy, Michael, Luke and Calum went 'grocery shopping,' Alex makes her tiny self sit on the couch beside me.

Her messy, but perfect, brown hair swaying with her every move. Her gorgeous bright green eyes staring into mine.

"Ashton," Alex takes my hands in her tiny hands, "do you remember how we became friends in Australia?"

I think hard, but come up with nothing.

"Nope. I think I developed amnesia since then." I chuckle at my own pun.

Alex playfully punches me, and smiles a small smile.

"No, you dickweed. Do you really not know?"

"No, I really don't."

Alex sighs and adjusts herself in front of me.

She slings her hair behind her shoulders and occupies her hands in mine, playing with my fingers.

"Well...I was this small little six year old when you were this small little seven year old. I was playing dolls with my friend, Macy. You, actually, came up to us and asked if you could play." Alex smiles while chuckling. "I told you no, at first. Then, you looked all sad, like a little lost puppy. I let you join in. Macy laughed at you because you were a seven year old boy, not a six year old girl like us.

      "You started to cry. I stood up, went over to Macy, and tapped her on the shoulder. She looked up at me, still laughing. I had simply told her, 'It's not nice to laugh at other people who are nice.' She laughed, still. I took my doll away from her. You and I played somewhere else.

    "A group of boys came over and laughed. I went up to them, smiled, and told them to leave us alone. They did, at first. But, they came back. I sassed them, saying, 'Do you want to join Ashton and me? Or maybe you don't because you know how much prettier dolls are than you. And someone actually wants to play with them.'"

I laugh as Alex explains this. She's speaking the childish part in a little kids voice.

"Wait, I played dolls...with you?" I laughed at myself.

"Yes. That's how our friendship started. I remember the outfit I was wearing, too. A gr-"

"Green dress to match your beautiful green eyes. You had on these black flats, too. A green ribbon in your curled hair. Freckles on your face. Yeah, that's all I remember. The first time I seen you."  I place my head in my hands as I embarrassingly laugh.

Alex places a hand on the back of my head, getting lost in my hair.

Her soft gentle pink rose lips land on my cheek, leaving me wanting more.

I remember it all, now.


"I don't wanna go, mummy."

"Ashton Fletcher, you have to. Look, over there's a really pretty girl. Make friends with her." Mum kissed the top of my forehead and rubbed my small back as she embraced me.

"Ew! Girls are gross!" I wrinkle my tiny nose up in disgust.

"Awh, Ash." Mum hugs me once more, tighter than before. "Mummy's gotta go now. I love you."

After I tell mummy I love her, I walk to the little dark haired girl.

"Hi." I say, nervously.

"Hi. I'm Alexia, but you can call me Lexie." Lexie smiled a smile to show bends in her cheeks.

"Can I play dolls with you?"

"I don't think so. Mummy told me to just share with Macy." Lexie turns back to the other girl. "Fine. You can play Dolly's with us."

"Yay!" I smile and sit beside the pretty Lexie.

"How old are you?"

"Seven, I think. How old are you?"

"Six." Lexie smiles as the other girl laughs.

Lexie stands up and walks to the other girl.

"Macy, it's not nice to laugh at other people who are nice."

When Macy wouldn't quit laughing, Lexie took the doll away from her and me and her played somewhere else.

A group of boys came next, laughing at us. Lexie was nice to them, at first. Then, she said, "Do you want to join Ashton and me? Or maybe you don't because you know how much prettier dolls are than you. And someone actually wants to play with them."

Lexie came back to play, making the other boys leave.

Her green dress matched her pretty green eyes. Her hair reminds me of curly fries.

"Thank you, Lexie."

"You're welcome, Ashton. I don't want anyone being mean to my best friend. I'll always have you, okay?"

"Okay." Lexie and I sealed the agreement with a hug and a smile.

For as long as I can remember, she'll always be my best friend.

"You were so dorky, Ashton." Alex covers her face as she laughs.

"You were so girly, Lexie." I say, smiling.

Alex stops laughing, studying my face.

My smile vanishes the moment I notice her laugh disappear.

"Did-did I do something wrong?" I ask, doing a double check.

"No ones called me Lexie since I was nine." Alex grins and hugs me.

"It feels nice to hear you say that."

She buries her head in the bend of my neck with a relieved sigh.

I can't find the words to say, so instead, I rub her back. Continually holding her tighter.

"I love you, Ashton. I mean that." Alex kisses my lips with passion.

I hesitate, but kiss back.

"I love you, Alex. I mean that."


im sorry for the long flashback. please, forgive me. agh.

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