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According to more detailed reports sent to Cain in the night, the dual crown now had a witness and a real case against Castiel. Not just any poor tortured person dragged up from the dungeons to say whatever Michael and Lucifer wished to hear but a woman known to all of Rome as a member of Castiel's household. Her name was Meg, Claire's handmaiden, who often did her dangerous and subversive biddings the royal court papers outlined. It was only the majesty of Michael and Lucifer's glorious presence that had induced the heathen witch to tell the truth. The entire plot was there, a handsome succubus, a Druid lord, has infiltrated Castiel's house in the form of one Dean Winchester. Castiel has given up all his loyalty to Rome to lie between the demonic loins and succour upon the root of evil. So enamoured and poisoned was his mind, that the gods had called down punishment on Castiel's house and people, sending earthquakes and volcano blasts to wake him from his lust. To no avail of course and now Michael and Lucifer had no choice but to execute Castiel to appease the gods.

"Apart from the supernatural bit, I would say guilty as charged," Castiel said lightheartedly, hooking his foot over Dean's calf. "Would you grant a sinful man one last succour on your devious root? I'm sure Cain would not mind."

The chain jangled as Cain grunted and rolled to turn his back on them. "Suck what you want but do not wake me," Cain grumbled. "I have an execution to carry out in the morning."

"I'll stretch my neck to ensure it is sufficiently pliant for your blade on the morrow, General Cain," Castiel made a soft moan when Dean burrowed into his chest.

"Stop making jokes of your death," Dean complained. "Cas..."

"There's little time left before my death, I must take every comedic opportunity," Castiel said. "You must be prepared, Dean, my heart and my love, for the time to come when we must part ways."

"I will follow you into Hades' realm like Orpheus for Eurydice and I won't eat any fruit either on the way out of Hellas."

"You are brave and wilful and I have do doubt you could challenge the gods and make them beg for mercy," Castiel ran his fingers gently through Dean's hair, it had grown a little longer and curled at the tips in a fashionable Roman style. "But this is me begging you to take your leave. Cain will not stop you if you and Sam departed now. Why stay for the heartbreak and the bloodshed which I am trying so hard to stem before the red sunrise. Take Rowena and Ruby, they are your faithful companions are they not? I am sure Rowena is really a witch and Ruby the most dangerous assassin I've ever had do my laundry. Those friends of yours are rebels, Gabriel has information on each of them, dossiers he shared with me the day they came to my house. It was no coincidence that I was permitted to find you in Metatron's parlour, Gadreel confessed as much. Metatron was paid to have you and Sam and Ruby and Rowena under his roof, disguised as slaves, so that I might take pity on you and purchase your freedom. Confess your sins upon me Dean for your deviousness and your ingenuity in engineering our meeting has me trembling with awe. What schemes and what complexity roil in that beautiful head of yours. Who are you in the house of Campbell?"

Dean blinked at Castiel who without speaking pressed his hand over Dean's chest where his clan tattoo was situated. It was one of his favourite spots for laving and nibbling and kissing and Dean knew how he had studied the intricate sun design with fingers and mouth and other things besides. He seemed unsurprised that Castiel has recognised the Campbell house insignia.

"If I told you, would you give me up to Michael and Lucifer, therefore extinguishing your death sentence?" Dean stared up at Castiel, the colour high in his cheeks from Castiel's admiring comments. "Because if you say you would, I would tell you now, the whole heart and fruit of the truth."

"I would only be pleased that my lover has a strong family he could return to," Castiel rubbed his hands over Dean's tensed shoulders. "And no, I would not trade you for clemency, to throw the precious life of the beloved away for my own dreary one is a poor bargain. And I am a profiteer. The coffers of state for a look at your face, the empire for your smile, my name for your heart, my soul for your soul. Every bargain I ever made with you Dean has enriched me beyond measure."

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