Hold On (patrckstatic)

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Loving and fighting

Accusing, uniting

I can't imagine a world with you gone

The joy and the chaos, the demons we're made of

I'd be so lost if you left me alone

Patrick was always making videos for his YouTube channel. I felt lonely sometimes when Pat would record for hours on end and then go straight into streaming barely taking a break to eat something. He wouldn't try to make me feel so down but it was his job. Then there were the days when Patrick wouldn't leave me alone. In a good way. He would constantly say how much he loved me and how beautiful I am. He didn't know how hard anything was for me. I didn't get hate from his fans or anyone really. I didn't have any friends besides him and I guess Jp, Wade, Molly, and Gar were my friends too but not like Patrick's relationship was with them.


"I love you Y/N so so much and little Ophelia does too. I just felt like reminding you."

I blushed a little and smiled.

"I love you too Pat and you too Goober," I say petting the cat in his arms.


"I'd be so lost without you. You have no idea Y/N."


"I just don't understand why you get upset when I have to record. You know it's my job."

"I just don't like when you don't take a break to take care of yourself. That's your job too."


"My videos aren't doing well lately Y/N. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. There's no way we can live off of that. What are we going to do?"

"I can pick up extra hours at work it won't be a problem. We'll be okay Pat."

Patrick shakes his head.

"You just don't get it do you? It's not enough."

You locked yourself in the bathroom

Lying on the floor when I break through

I pull you in to feel your heartbeat

Can you hear me screaming "please don't leave me"

"Y/N I'm home!"

"Hi Goober, where's Y/N/N at?"

Patrick had felt guilty from his argument with her but now worry started to overtake any other feeling he had.

"Beautiful? Where are you? I didn't get any texts from you and I didn't see a note laying anywhere."

Patrick had walked every inch of their house looking for his girlfriend except for the bedroom. He saw the door was closed to their private bathroom. He tried the doorknob but it had been locked.

He knocked lightly.

"Y/N are you in there? Can you hear me?"

There was no reply after a few seconds. Patrick's knocks became more persistent. He put his ear against the door but still didn't hear anything. Patrick began to try to break the door down. After a few nudges he was successful. His heart was instantly broken.

Y/N had laid on the floor of the bathroom. There was an open bottle of some painkiller and the love of his life had a few small cuts on her thighs. He quickly knelt down and put his ear to her chest. Y/N's heartbeat was barely there. Patrick began to panic but kept calm as he dialed 9-1-1. He quickly told them what had happened.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2019 ⏰

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