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Rin's House

Kakashi and Rin and I are working on a group project for history. I'm stuck working on the poster with Kakashi, and Rin is doing research on her laptop.

"You're fucking up the poster." I say

"Me? You were trying to be 'unique' and glue on streamers."

"It's better than being boring like you."

"Do you ever cooperate with anyone?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

"Stop fighting! I can't concentrate when you guys are squawking over stupid stuff. Just make a decision already."

"It definitely needs some color."

"But I don't want it looking like an elementary school project."

"Deal with it."

"I don't have to put up with your crap."

Rin slowly turns her head and gives us the death stare.

"This project is worth 100 points. If you morons are the cause of my failure, I will make your lives miserable. You'll regret your own existence. Do you understand?"

Kakashi and I nod without hesitation.


When Rin turns away, I glare at Kakashi.

Two hours later...

"BYE, KAKASHI! BYE!" I yell obnoxiously

Good riddance. Suddenly, Rin pulls me away from the front door and slams it.

"That's enough, Obito. Now, let's talk about what was on your mind today. You obviously have a secret, and I love secrets."


"Come sit with me."

"I can't walk."

She wheels me over to the sofa and helps me sit down.

"So, tell me what's up."

How do I tell her to stop liking Kakashi without sounding like an asshole?

"I don't think anyone wants to go to the dance with me. I'm gonna wheel around all alone."

"I'll set you up with someone. Any girl would be lucky to go with you."

"How come none have asked me?"

"Maybe they're nervous to ask such an awesome guy."

"I highly doubt that, Rin, but thanks for making me feel a little better."

"Oh, you'll find someone to go with eventually."

"I already have my eyes set on one girl, but I doubt she'll want to."

"You never know."

"She likes someone else."

"Well, she's missing out big time. I hope she comes around."

"Me too."

She sighs and smiles.

"I've finally worked up the courage to ask Kakashi. I hope he says yes. Wish me luck tomorrow. I'll need it."

I nod and look down at my legs.

If only...

"What's wrong, Obito?"

"It's nothing."

I redirect my attention towards her and smile.

"You've always been bad at lying. Look, you don't have to lie to me. If something's wrong, I'll do everything I can to help you."

"Not in this particular situation."

"It can't be that bad."

"You'll hate me."

"We've been friends for like ever. No matter what you say or do, I could never hate you."

I move my mouth a bit trying to confess, but nothing came out.

"C'mon, you can do it. Relax and speak. I'm here for you."


Suddenly, the doorbell rings, and Rin gets up to answer it. Her parents are home from work.

"Hi, Mom! Hi, Dad!"

"Hello, honey. How was school today?" Ms. Nohara asks

"The usual. Always boring."

"What about you, Obito?"


I glare at my wheelchair. Stupid thing. Constantly reminding me about my damn parents, what they did, and what happened to me. What's the point of having legs when they're useless. My uncle would've wanted me had I still been able to take decent care of myself without him doing all the work. That burden is on Rin and her parents, and I hate it.
I just wish I was myself again.
Mr. Nohara's face turns into an apologetic expression. Both of her parents come to sit down and tightly embrace me.

Two hours later...

Rin's parents are currently making dinner. I want the time to go by faster. I'm starving. Meanwhile,  Rin and I are just hangin out. Sort of. She's texting a friend, and I'm watching TV.

"Sakura won't stop bugging me about Sasuke.
He clearly doesn't like her. Her obsession with him weird and totally gross. I don't understand what Naruto sees in Sakura. I sound like a bad friend, but I'm so right."

"And she's violent. Violent girls are true worst."


"Your VERBAL assaults don't count."

She frowns at me.

"But are very effective."

"That's right. Anyways, enough of this mess. She puts her phone on the nightstand focuses the attention on me."


"You never finished what you were saying."

"Yeah, about that..."

Ms. Nohara knocks and opens the door.


"Seriously, Mom?"


Her mother leaves the room.

"Wrong timing really pisses me off." Rin says quietly before following

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