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Peter heard the tapping of the rain and the crackle of lightning. Muffled voices and a single, distressed wail of a small baby. A door opening and the clang of metal. A familiar melody coming from a soothing voice. He felt a spray of dust and a sprinkle of water on his skin. A faint and calm presence that he did not mind.

Peter was swinging along the streets when he felt a hand on the small of his back.

Someone familiar spoke and said, "You have to let it all go, Pétr. All your fear, doubt, and disbelief. Free your mind. You know who you truly are."

Peter gasped and looked down at the lightning that danced around his fingers. When he looked up he was standing in his room. And that's when everything went black.

"Heimdall!" A booming voice shouted.


"Where is he!?!"

"I could never leave you, Peter."

And with the sudden sound of thunder, the flashes of vague memories came to an end.

"For every minute the future is becoming the past. Do not squander your life by not understanding your full potential. You're on a different path now, for this you must face alone."

The sound of glass shattering, and suddenly all around him were verdant meadows that could only be described as lush and windswept. But the one thing that stood out to him was an old man with a white beard and an eyepatch.

The sound of waves hitting the shore is what brought him back to reality.


Peter woke to the sound of beeping and faint snores. He turned his head to find Tony Stark asleep in a chair that was at his bedside.

Peter slowly got up before wincing in pain. He looked over at his shoulder and sighed. He had almost forgotten everything that had happened. He clicked his tongue in disdain, did Jake end up catching Samael? He still couldn't believe that he was so easily fooled by his schemes.

Tony woke up just a minute later, which was just enough time for Peter to collect his thoughts.

"Kid? You're awake, I'll go get the doctor." Tony quickly rambled and got up.

Peter grabbed his wrist before he could move. Tony looked back and softened his demeanor.

"Mr. Stark, did they catch him?"

Tony sighed. Was Peter always this selfless?

"He's gone, kiddo."

Peter tilted his head in confusion.

"He drowned in a lake."

"What!?! How? Are you sure he didn't just swim away?"

"Well, Jake had unknowingly shot him because the police had found traces of his blood on the motorcycle he was escaping on. They think that he couldn't have escaped if he was shot."

Peter nodded his head and looked down in disbelief, letting go of Tony's wrist. Tony noticed his anguish and internally groaned. How the hell am I supposed to comfort him? He was, after all, not that great with kids, considering he doesn't have one yet.

"I believe them, and you should too. Don't go on a revenge rampage and trust the precinct. They're your friends, right?"

"Yeah," Peter muttered before turning to the side, away from Tony.

"Hey, you still have the watch I gave you?"

"The one that literally has my suit inside of it?" Peter scoffed. "Why wouldn't I?"

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