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"What the hell is this?" Rosa 'calmly' asked.

Jake looked at the phone that was shoved into his face.

Brooklyn Butcher confesses in testimony

"What the hell... It's not him!" He exclaimed after skimming through the article.

"Yeah, I figured." Rosa rolled her eyes. "Dumbass."

Jake slammed his fist onto his desk and briskly got up.

"I'll be right back."


Meanwhile, a butcher's shop, that's practically out of business, closes early.

The building looked eerie and stood alone, next to the bullpen and at the end of a dirt road.

It's run-down and seedy appearance repelled customers - which could either be a flaw or a benefit.

And there, in the very back of the shop, sat a black musty leather chair. And on that chair, sat a lonesome and malicious man intently staring at the T.V. And only one thing remained on a constant loop.

Samael Stein frowned as he sipped on a glass of whiskey.

"So this guy..." He growled while tightly clenching the glass. "Is trying to take credit for EVERYTHING I'VE DONE!?!"

He chucked that poor, abused glass at the T.V.

Samael Stein was livid.


Peter intently listened to a recording as a frantic Jake stood in front of him, tapping his foot.

Jake had shown up at his front door an hour prior, a complete mess. He quickly skimmed over an explanation as Peter attempted to understand him.

"So, you think they got the wrong guy? And you need my help to figure it out?"

Jake quickly nodded his head.

Peter had just shrugged and walked towards Jake's car.

"You coming?" He had called out as Jake smirked.

Now, they were sitting in one of the interrogation rooms for some privacy. Jake was playing back tapes of what he thought was the real suspect. Since Peter held an actual conversation with the killer before Jake thought he would be able to recognize his voice in one of these tapes. All he had to do was wait.

"I-It's him." Peter said, suddenly.

Jake looked up. "You sure?"

"One hundred percent."


Jake slammed Samael Stein's file onto Captain Raymond Holt's desk.

"You got the wrong guy." Jake abruptly said.

The Captain looked up from his work and took off his glasses.

"You're still on this case? Detective, like I told you before, we got the guy and he confessed."

"Look we have evidence that-

"Jake what you have here is all circumstantial evidence. None of this will hold up in court."

Peter gulped. The air was getting thicker and thicker. The tension was already so intense, but there was also something about the room. He looked around.

Something didn't feel right.

Peter coughed.

"With all due respect, sir, Captain, sir, but as a witness I can guarantee that Samael Stein is the guy you should be, um, arresting." Peter decided to join the choleric conversation, while stuttering through his words.

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