Ch. 17.3 A&B Camping with Na

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Zilik opened his mouth, but Razz grabbed his arm and dragged him to the other side of the room. The Council President watched with shrewd interest, but didn't try to stop them.

"Zilik, you must renounce Alex's actions," Razz whispered.

"After what you just said?" Zilik's color brightened in surprise.

"I can afford to say those things. I will soon be unseated from the Council and politics are not my life, but it is yours. You must become the next Council President."

"I can't turn my back on Alex."

"I am not asking you to. Denounce the kidnapping only. Highlight it as a desperate act in a life of self-sacrifice. Use it as a platform to remind everyone of what else she has done." Razz could tell by Zilik's expression that he accepted his argument, but didn't like it.

They walked back over to the President, who had watched them with shrewd eyes, tail still lashing.

Zilik said, "You're right, Mr. President, we cannot condone kidnapping. I will make a public statement denouncing it."

"So glad you agree. Zilik, you have much repair work to do. I don't expect you to sleep until every last council member has had their hide scratched into contentment. Razz, have you assembled a search team?"

"A search and rescue team."

"Fine. You're dismissed."

Razz and Zilik walked out together.

Zilik grumbled deep in his throat. "I'll repair but perhaps not like he thinks. I will enlighten every last species as to this 'child abuse' as Alex calls it. I'll make her a hero a second time over."

"I have observed that mammals care for their young far more tenderly than most species, even more than us Anolis males," Razz said. "It is time we all emulated them."


The Anolis campsite in the woods was one of military efficiency. The tents were camouflaged, sturdy, and set up in precise rows.

A guard patrolled the perimeter. Inside the command tent, one Anolis female warrior wobbled with a partially paralyzed leg while another paced furiously.

"Your plan is working. You should be happy," Mina told the pacing Cla.

"Happy? The miserable mammal that ruined my life is back, living the life of a hero."

"She's in hiding, now disgraced."

"With my son," Cla snapped.

"As you planned." Mina went silent at Cla's next look.


The 'symbol of the revolution' spent the next day making toy boats with Na. As soon as they had the basics mastered, the boats became more elaborate.

One managed to elude their grasp and sailed down the creek, out of sight. Neither Alex nor Na was worried enough to chase it.

"Tell me about your sisters." Alex wasn't sure she should touch a tender subject, but she had to know.

Na didn't look up and kept fiddling with a boat. She was about to give up when he answered.

"They are like Mother, although Massah has a tail and Meribah doesn't, like me. They are the best fighters in their class, faster and stronger than anyone. Mother is very proud of them." He looked up at her. "They do not need to be rescued."

"Mother's little warriors, huh?"

"Yes. They would kill you, for honor's sake, but they would like it, too. They want Mother to be Kuni."

"I'll steer clear of them, don't worry. One Cla is enough for me."

"Do you really think we can return to your world?"

"I hope so. Are you sure you want to go? There aren't many of your kind there and you would have to stay hidden."

"I am very sure." His little face was too grave for his age.

Alex yawned. "Naptime."

She loved the reptile custom of an afternoon siesta. She and Na snuggled down under a large, leafy bush.

Much farther downstream, the boat came ashore. An Anolis hand picked it up. Others were called. The female warriors began walking upstream.



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All the love and happiness can't last long because I am a cruel author goddess [as my writing teachers taught me to be] Right?



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