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Namjoon's POV:

Today i took a day off thought about spend it with jimin cuddling and I leaved the lead to my assistant, I was helping him out with cooking when I've got a phone call from yoongi

Savage Ricardo is calling📞

-nj:"hye yoongs how are you doing?! "
-yg:"let's go to that bar again "
-nj:"well I'm doing great thanx for asking anyway which one?!"
-yg:"bi's night club "
-nj:"why though?!"
-yg:"stop fucking asking and bring your ass over here!!! "
-nj:"alright alright  I'm coming jeez "
I said hanging up and making my way to our bedroom that's when jimin spoke up
-JM:"is everything alright babe?!"
-nj:"yeah babe"
-JM:"who's that?!"
-nj:"urghh yoongi"
-JM:"does he need anything?! "
-yg:"yeah he wants me to go with him to bi's night club "
-JM:"ohh its okay you can go then"
-nj:"sorry honey for not helping you with all this"
I said kissing the back of his neck
-JM:"nahh don't worry babe I'll be done soon and when you two are done bring him over for dinner since its fucking 6:00pm"
-nj:"y-yeah anyway I'm off babe"
-JM:"take care"
Said my boyfriend when I took my things heading to yoongi's I made my way outside house to my car driving over,it took me only 20min drive and I was with him now,I found yoongi waiting for me at the entrance of his house
-nj:"what's up with you yoongi?!"
-yg:"let's go now namjoon"
-nj:"but why suddenly an its 6:30pm dude come on!!!"
-yg:"I have an important thing to do"
-nj:"in a night club?! "
-yg:"for fuck sake just drive"
-nj:"alright then"

Yoongi's POV:

Me and namjoon were on our way to that bar once we made it there I saw bi from distance so I went to him
-yg:"bi hye"
-bi:"yoongs your early what can I get for you?!"
-yg:"is hope here?!your striper??"
-bi:"yeah he's here why?!"
-yg:"I need a talk with him "
-nj:"you came all way here to see hope?!"
-nj:"but wh-ohh my god don't tell me!!!"
-nj:"your falling for him!!!!"
-yg:"shut the fuck up please "
-bi:"umm guys stop it now,and yoongi he's back stage now come with me so you can see him"
-yg:"cool thank you bi,and you namjoon you better stay here I'll be back in few"
I said following bi behinds when we made it there to his changing room, I watched bi knocking on that wooden door,it was only few seconds later and it reveals open"

Hoseok's POV:

I was preparing my self for my next dance when I've heard a knock and it was bi the owner
-hs:"bi hye"
-bi:"hye hoseok someone is here for you?! "
-hs:" is it tae?"
Said bi when I checked it was that guy from few days ago
-hs:"ohhh its cold dude"
-bi:"soo I'll leave you guys now,yoongs you know where to find me"
-yg:"thanx again bi"
-bi:"anytime boy"
Said the soo called yoongi when he turned to me
-yg:"we need a talk"
-hs:"really?! "
-yg:"yes let's go outside"
Said that boy when I gave him the "did you perhaps forget the magic word" look
-hs:"yeah sure"I said when we made it outside on a balcony near my room
-yg:"i-im...I'm sorry"
-hs:"what for?!"
-yg:"what happened before,its just...the way I'm"
-hs:"its okay but you know what?"
-hs:"you should change that attitude of yours yoongi"
-yg:"never tried "
-hs:"anyway here "
I said handing him  my phone number
-hs:"you can call me day you'll decide to change...but that doesn't mean you can't call me like before alright?!"
-yg:"thank you hoseok"
-hs:"wow this is the first time I hear someone Calling my name,anytime I should go now"
-yg:"yeah sure"
Said yoongi when I took my leave and be prepared for my work

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