Chapter 1 - I Fell Asleep

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[Day 1 After the Rain of Miracle]

[Location: H City at Taiwan, Taipei]

[Population: 25, 000]

After the "Rain of Miracle" phenomenon yesterday, the H City's Police Department was bustling with a lot of excitement and noises.

"Did you get any powers? I got the power to turn into stone!" one of the policemen enthusiastically asked as he showed a part of his arm turning into stone.

"Woah! That's impressive! My body turns into spikes!" the other shorter policeman said as he showed his arms with sharp spikes that were similar to a porcupine's spikes.

This asking of question about what kind of power a person received would be a topic in this police department for the entire day most likely. Of course, everyone wanted to know what kind of power each person possessed. They wanted to know if they have way cooler and stronger power compared to the others.

Meanwhile, in the corner of a room was someone who seemed to be indifferent about the commotion in the office. Sitting at his desk wearing a headphone while listening to music, Zhao Li An was busy finishing some of the files he was supposed to finish the other day.

Two days ago, Zhao Li An got sick, so he had to take two days off to recover. All he did during these past two days were just eating and resting. He only came out of the house today to get to work. When he arrived in the police department, he immediately went straight to his desk to work on the files that he was supposed to finish, so he did not know what was the current commotion in the office.

 When he arrived in the police department, he immediately went straight to his desk to work on the files that he was supposed to finish, so he did not know what was the current commotion in the office

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

(A/N: Zhao Li An. Found it on Kenny Chen's instagram @sawadikap_kenny)

Jun Wei and Huang Yi Qi arrived at the same time on their way to the office. Just like everyone else, they were also talking about the power that they got. Jun Wei gained the ability to shapeshift into different kinds of animals. As for Huang Yi Qi, she was like a human telescope. She had the capability to see things from a very long distance. While they happily talked to one another about the powers that they had received, Huang Yi Qi noticed Zhao Li An working at his desk in the corner of the office. She immediately tapped Jun Wei and the two of them approached him.

 She immediately tapped Jun Wei and the two of them approached him

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.
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