"If you don't surrender, we will start executing hostages!" She shouts some more, setting her phone up April point it towards them.



"April don't!" she whispers another yell, but all hope was lost when the flash turns on and the woman turn to them. Almost immediately, she points her gun at them.

"The least you could do is turn of the flashlight!" Yannis finally softly snaps at her.

"You!" She demands and points at Hyannis. *"Ahh…shi…take mushrooms."*


"Stand up!" She orders, and Yannis passes her Fro-Yo shake to April.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do..." April tugs on her, reminding her about the probation Yannis was in. She scoffs. "Says the one started all of this..."

"I got it, I got it..." Yannis whispers back, before doing what the woman says.

"Hands behind your head. Now!" She raised her hands in the air, to the back of her neck.

"Ay, ay,  I got nothin on me no more, alright~"

"Be quite and turn around." she was loading her gun, when she look up to hearing a train coming from the distance. Her gaze was then to the lights when they started to flicker and the whole building went on a black out. Coming up to her senses Hyannis quickly uses her belt chain to fling the woman's gun away, before tackling her. They fought for a bit before Hyannis took the win by giving her a mega roundhouse kick, forcing her back to a nearby wall, where she slid down and passes out from.

"Sike." Hyannis smirked before realizing she was in the middle of battle field and swiftly  approach the crouching April.

"Get down," she orders silently and Hyannis shrugs, getting down to her level and taking the now melted froyo. She frowned at it and turn to her friend. She raised a brow when she saw April's phone up recording the scenes of four figures fighting off the Foot Clan. One by one, they began depleted as the other hostages fleeted around and shrieking in terror.

"Let's go! Let's move!" I hear one of them say going inside a masked off constructed section of  the station, climbing up.

"There." April lead to it, as a couple of men came to inspect the escape root.

"Some kind of freak!" One yowls out.

"There was a couple if them!" Another one yells out, April and Yannis exchange looks before running off.

Yannis POV

We run for the exits, sprinting off a corner to see the cover up section that was leading to a building roof. Hearing stouts from the roof, Apr gave me a look. Lowering down the emergency stairs for her, she quicken her pace and rushes up. Sighing I followed through before pausing when I spotted the broken pair of ladders that lead to the roof. Suddenly April turn to me with a very, very deceitful grin. Oh no…

Before anything else, I found myself supporting my friend up like a step ladder; with both of her boots on my shoulders, my FroYo cup hanging on my mouth, and my arms holding onto her legs as she stood straight, leaning onto the edge of the wall.

"Ow, ow, ow."

"Thanks…" her footing hovers around as she fetched her phone.

"COuLD yOu JuSt Do It QuIcKlY?" I muttered out and she shushses me. Voices could be heard up above, but everything went silent when I hear a beeping sound.

April froze in place, still looked at the direction of the rooftop.

"What was that?"

"It's a camera flash."

"We know it's a camera flash. Who's behind the camera flash?"

"By my calculations, it's a girl…"

"Now we got to kill her…"


"With Kindness give em some flowers, earn their trust." I heard them whisper not so quietly.

"He-hey Neil you might wanna turn off oh I don't know, the damn flash light next time!" I suggested softly, getting no reply. Oh and what a numb head I was, she wasn't even on my shoulders anymore.

"Neil? neil?" I whispered, Looking around.  Stepping on the railings, I slowly crept up to the edge of the roof and peeked. And there she was, my reckless comrade sitting on the floor, facing off a giant ass turtle? *Great…*

"Give the camera?" He growled lowly as April backs up

"Ooh, look, he's doing his Batman voice." Another one points out, as the turtle with the red masks slowly approaches April.

"She's so hot, I can feel my shell tightening…" I heard as April finally scrambled up and took a few steps back, still staring at the one in front of her.

"We can hear you!" He exclaims, facing the direction where the other voice came from.

"If you don't give me the camera, I'm gonna-"

"ENOUGH!" a pair feet appeared in my vision, in front of me and I held my breath, ducking a little lower this time. If I didn't lean back seconds ago, I would have been pummeled into a pancake. *Hiss*

Shell Shock (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now