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Ignore what the video says, since it's supposed to be Peter Parker, singing. Anyway, enjoy. 


Not the best but I managed to find him singing some. I'll see if I can dig up more.😎 #PeterSings #SorryNotSorry

PeterParker: I'm suddenly in the need of a new best friend.

PepperPStarK: You need to sing more, Peter!

TonyStarK: Ya, Kid. Your good.

AuntMay_Parker: Oh, that's from when we took you with us for a family gathering, Harry_Osborn a couple weeks ago. I can't believe you got him singing on your live, and we forgot about it.

PeterParker: No.

Ned_Guy_Leeds: Dude! You totally should sing more!

PeterParker: No.

MommaRhodes: You really should sing more, Peter. Your good and I wanted more than the barely three seconds I got in this video.

PeterParker: Sorry, MommaRhodes, but no

Rhodney_IP: Oh come on! There's gotta be more footage/audio of you singing somewhere.

PeterParker: No.

FeParker: 😱 We need more! I need more! #PeterSings

IronFam12: Ya, we need more! #PeterSings

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