Oh no... (Y/N) thought as she turned to look at Dominic, who was looking towards the sound managers as well, trying to figure out what was happening. When they shook their heads, he looked at the audience frantically. He was shaking so much that (Y/N) thought he was about to cry, and she didn't necessarily blame him this time.

Almost like a lightbulb being switched on, (Y/N) got an idea. She knew the chords and the main premise of how the song went, although she wasn't sure if the bar owner would necessarily let her. Pulling out her phone, she looked up the lyrics, finding that the song was in French, titled "Derniere Danse" by Indila. Knowing the chords, she searched for the lyrics, finding the version he was singing with some difficulty. Looking up from her phone, Dominic was beginning to back away from the mic as shouts were beginning to fill the bar. Taking a breath, she combed her fingers through her (H/S) hair and walked onstage.


2D"s POV:

"What the hell is going on?"

"What happened?"

"Did they not like it that much?"


The whispers were beginning to fill up the bar, something that 2D didn't necessarily enjoy. He knew how it felt to have something electronically go wrong and to be blamed for it, and this person onstage, Dominic, was just a young kid. It made 2D flash back to when he first joined the band and knowing how nervous he was during his first concert. It made him give the kid some empathy.

"That's why I hate backing tracks," Russel said, running his massive hand across the table to wipe off the crumbs from the mozzarella sticks he'd ordered. "There's too much that can go wrong."

"Yeah..." 2D agreed, turning his eyes to the angry people in the bar, who had begun to shout now. There were mixed things being said, but mostly it was all aimed at Dominic, who had nothing to do with this.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Murdoc come back from the bathroom, trying to clip his belt back together. When he sat down, he turned to Russel and 2D. "What's going on? It's not Rifles and Daisies onstage, so why are they booing?"

"The backing track glitched," Russ explained.

"Hate them," Murdoc grumbled, finishing with his belt and sliding into his seat, taking a sip from the same beer he'd grabbed earlier.

It was very suddenly that the bar became quiet, and all three men turned to look at the stage, where a woman had walked out on stage. She held up her hand to cover the lights from hitting her eyes and her (H/C) hair was falling in her face. She looked nervous getting onstage, and 2D couldn't understand why. She must know what she was doing, right?

He watched as she turned and made a small conversation with Dominic, who seemed to visibly relax and nod, stepping back up to the microphone. The woman, however, took a few steps back and sat at the barstool that belonged to the piano. She set her phone down at the lip that holds sheet music and fiddled with a few things on it before resting her fingers on the keys. Turning back one last time to look at Dominic, they both nodded and she began to play.

The sound of the piano seemed to be much better than the track that had played beforehand. It was very staccato and rigid compared to the flow of the way the woman was playing the piano. It sounded beautiful to 2D's ears, causing him to close his eyes and relax, listening to Dominic sing the verses again.

"Oh, my sweet torment."

As the chorus began, 2D started, seeing as a new voice had joined the song.

"I stir the sky, the day, the night,

Dancing with the wind and the rain, oh my.

A touch of love, when honey bites

And I dance, dance, dance, dance, dance"

Looking up, 2D could see that the woman had begun to sing as well, singing a higher harmony that Dominic was. Her voice was accented, with vibratos and trills in certain places that gave the song more life, but it also hid the fact that the chords were plain and she had to skip a few beats in order to find the next ones on her phone, which he assumed she'd just looked up after the music track glitched.

"Oh, my," 2D could hear Murdoc say from next to the drummer. "She's good... very good." He rubbed his gritty nails across the table, tapping to the beat. He wasn't completely sure if the bassist was being serious or saying that because she looked good.

2D caught himself thinking about that and ran his fingers through his blue hair.Shit, he couldn't lie to himself, she was pretty, but he didn't know her. For all he knew, she could be another Paula Cracker. He shuddered in his seat at the thought.

"Trapped in the noise, I run scared

Is it my time?

Here comes the pain to my body and my mind,

Abandoned way on this dark cold night

So I fly fly fly fly fly."

The woman turned back around to look at Dominic, keeping her mouth towards the microphone as she sang. 2D noticed her eyes were (E/C), a color he didn't see very often. They looked lively, but the bags beneath them indicated that she was stressed. She was pretty in a very unique way.

"A living hell for me without your touch

I am worth nothing...


With a final arpeggio, the song ended, the bar falling silent. 2D believed that no one was going to clap until the bartender did, the sound of palm against palm slowly filling up the building until it sounded like thunder during a hurricane. Dominic turned around with a huge smile on his face towards the woman. She was sitting there with her hands over her face, seemingly embarrassed. It was Dominic who ran over to her and shook her shoulders, attempting to console her over the roaring applause. Eventually, she lowered her hands and smiled.

"She's perfect!" Murdoc exclaimed from the other side of the table, throwing his hands up in the air and leaning back in the seat. "Think about it, with the way she sings, we can add all sorts of effects and make her sound just ethereal."

"I like the way she sings without the autotune and effects," 2D chimed in.

"I agree with Dee on this one." Russel shifted in his seat. "She sounds just fine."

"It'd still be cool," Murdoc mumbled as he sank in his chair.

2D turned his black gaze back to the stage, where the woman and Dominic were waving as they walked off stage, Dominic holding her hand and practically dragging her behind him. Something didn't sit well with 2D and he couldn't figure out why. It's not that he was jealous, he didn't know her, for God's sake, but something just made him feel uneasy them. Especially the way her face contorted in confusion as they disappeared behind the curtain. Shaking his head, he pushed it down, pushing his back against his seat

He was barely paying attention until the bartender said a familiar name. Looking up, he could see Noodle, her guitar in hand and a bright smile on her face. Almost instantly shouts came from around the bar, and soon the entire building began to chant "Gorillaz! Gorillaz! Gorillaz!" It was something normal whenever they traveled places, so 2D didn't think much of it.

2D chilled as he got the feeling that he was being watched. Turning in his seat, he couldn't see anyone looking at him, all eyes were turned towards the guitarist. He sighed as he settled in his seat properly and looked towards the stage. Out of the corner of his eye, he managed to catch a glimpse of movement towards the edge of the curtain. Turning his gaze that way, he managed to see the bright (E/C) eyes of the woman staring at him intently, a gleam in them he couldn't place.

It almost made him shit his pants.

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