― t w e l v e. Champagne For My Real Friends, Real Pain For My Sham Friends

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" you were too good to be true,
gold plated but what's inside you?
but what's inside you? "

CHAPTER TWELVE " you were too good to be true, gold plated but what's inside you? but what's inside you? "

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It's been a few days since I started working at the Whyte Wyrm. I always had the same shift with Ghost. He started teaching me the more advanced stuff like handling liquors and closing up shop since we were the last shift.

I got to know more of the Serpents from working here. Toni and Livewire were into photography. Bolt and Flash were crazy into comics, they can talk about comics for hours on end:

"Tales Of Suspense was originally a classic Marvel series but they're rebooting it with issue one-hundred, Tales Of Suspense: Hawkeye & The Winter Soldier," Flash rambled. No matter how many times you tell him to stop, he won't. "Me and Bolt have been waiting all summer to get a copy but everywhere just seems sold out or-"

"-Flash, has it ever occured to you that I don't care?" I interjected.

Ghost's a huge fan a Billie Ellish, will fight you if you touch his playlist:

"Don't touch my Billie Ellish playlist," Ghost smacks away my hand as I reached for his phone, which was connected to the speakers.

"You've been playing the same damn song over and over again," I protested, trying to reach for his phone again.

"So?" he smacks my hand away again. "It's not bothering anybody."

"Well it's bothering me and probably the strippers who have been dancing to the same song for the past twenty minutes."

"They're not strippers," Ghost corrected, "and don't touch my playlist!"

He also gets annoyed when I call her "Billy Eyelash."

I enjoyed working at the Whyte Wyrm, it was a laid back job. We pretty much get to do whatever we want and get to hang out with friends at the same time.

Lzzy rarely comes to the Whyte Wyrm during a school night since she has curfew. So the only friends I had when I worked here was Ghost and his siblings.

We would usually hang out past closing time and when there were only a few of us lingering around. We would keep the bar open for a few more minutes just for the few of us. Perks of having the last shift.

The night before the drag race, we allowed a few of the Serpents to stay past closing time to hang out. The others were pretty much having fun, playing pool and hogging the arcade machines while Ghost and I were cleaning up the bar.

"Hey Ghost," I said, as I wiped the counter.

"Hm?" Ghost hummed, he was wiping the glasses.

"Where does that staircase go?" I pointed to the staircase across from us, it led up to a door. I've always been curious since the first day I got here to where it led to.

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