― t e n. Double Trouble

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Luckily enough, my wish came through

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Luckily enough, my wish came through. Somehow my dad managed to work his magic and convinced the doctors to release me early. I was discharged that very same day.

Another good news was Lzzy managed to get me a job as a bartender at the Whyte Wyrm. She wanted me to head down there tonight to check things out.

Since being discharged yesterday, all I've been doing was rest at home per doctor's orders. All I really want to do right now was head down to the Whyte Wyrm so that I could start work right away.

I haven't told my dad or Archie about my job at the Whyte Wyrm yet. They will probably not approve anyways because firstly, I'm working in the Southside, secondly, I'm working a job where I'm surrounded by alcohol. I'm surprised I can even get a job as a bartender as a minor.

When evening rolled around, I changed into a light grey hoodie and denim jeans. As I was getting ready to go downstairs, I passed Archie's bedroom on the way. He had his bedroom door open and I could see him playing the guitar on his bed. Sweet tunes leaking out of the room.

I leaned against the doorway, arms crossed. "Hey Arch," Archie stopped playing the guitar to look up, "heard you were going to drag race against the Ghoulies."

"Who told you that?" Archie set his guitar aside.

"Lzzy," I said. "What? You thought your little sister wouldn't find out?"

Archie sighs and looked away, "I didn't want you to worry."

"Well too bad, I do worry. Arch, you don't even know how to drive."

"I'm not driving, Jughead is."

"So what's the point of you even being in the same car with him?"

"I'm going to be fine Kenna, trust me. Why don't you come and watch-" he stopped himself mid sentence.

I cocked my head, "Yeah, go on, finish your sentence."

Archie did not say anything.

"What?" I asked when he didn't respond. "It's dangerous? Is that why you stopped yourself?"

"I just don't want you to get into trouble, alright?" Archie spat. "Especially since you got mistakenly arrested."

I scoffed, "What kind of trouble can I get from watching a drag race?"

Archie did not reply immediately. He paused to think. "Fine, you can come and watch," he finally said.

I looked at him. He was almost sad. As if guilty. He was planning something.

"You don't have to be in the same car," I said. "I don't trust Jughead's driving, what if you guys get into an accident? What if-"

"Don't worry about me, Kenna. I got a plan," he says.

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