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Welcome to 'The Moon on a String,' an alternate telling of the tale of Sweeney Todd.

If you are not familiar at all with this story, I advise you to read on with caution, as some scenes may present or allude to:

-mentions of attempted suicide
-sexual assault
-depictions of murder // gore
-a variety of different mental disorders, such as PTSD and depression

I do my best to make sure my content isn't only exclusively available to a mature audience, as it is not my intention to make it a mature piece due to how little "mature" content this work contains, but due to the source material and the overall theme some scenes or mentioning of the above might be triggering to some readers.
If you are one of these readers, feel free to move on to another story! My feelings will not be hurt, I promise. I'd rather lose a few reads than have someone on the site have a negative experience from something that can be preventable

On a side note, I have always been captivated with the story of Sweeney Todd, and so desperately wanted to write a fictitious piece based on something many love so dearly. Many of the few fan fictions I have stumbled across were published in the 2008-2012 era — shortly after the release of the Tim Burton movie.

Lucy has always been a character that has captivated me, and I was disappointed to see just how little we know about her, and equally disappointed to find out what all she endured. So, I went to thinking: "What if Lucy was able to find her revenge instead of Sweeney? What if he returned home to a normal family, but Lucy was the one living with the repercussions?"

Thus, this story was born. Lucy finds her revenge and she takes it gladly, but she must overcome many mental obstacles to do so.

In this story, Benjamin Barker is never shipped away to Australia, but rather held in a local prison for a few years. Lucy is never sent to Bedlam, not drinking enough arsenic to completely deteriorate her, but rather make her bedridden for a few months. She suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder from being taken advantage of all on top of this. Johanna is not a full grown adult, but rather a young child who still depends on her mother greatly, meaning Benjamin can see his daughter grow up — and she's no one's ward. Mrs. Lovett is also a long-time family friend of the Barkers, and is overcoming her own mental struggles, having fancied Benjamin for a long time. She's also having to cope with the loss of her husband.

So, without further ado, please enjoy!! I try to update as often as I can, but because of my very busy schedule away from the internet it's hard to set up a schedule. Please don't pester me, I promise you lovelies I'm trying my best!

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