"Why did they take the Herund away?"

"He is being punished for revealing your true identity to Phillip."

"But what is wrong with Phillip?"

"I don't know, I don't see anything wrong with Phillip, but it's your father's decision."

"He left me, thinking I lied to him. I hurt the only man that I really love."

"Oh, Anaka."

"What must I do mother? I can't let the Herund suffered because of me."

"It is all up to you. When you know what to do, you have to face your father, then maybe, just maybe the Herund will be set free."

"Is that mean I may have to give one thing?"

"I'm afraid so."

After that the queen left, and she was left alone to go back to Phillip's grandfather's house.

Walking back to Phillip's house felt like it the very last time he will see him. When she reaches the house, Phillip was standing in front of the yard looking rather disappointed. Then Trish came out and held onto him.

"Phillip, come inside now."

Phillip noticed her coming and told Trish he will be there soon. Esmeralda stopped in front of Phillip, then Phillip looks at her more serious now.

"How soon were you going to tell me?"

She just looks down, did not know what to say. Her voice is gone, in front of him. He held both her arms and Esmeralda can feel the pressure from his hands to her arms.

"I see, you can feel pain. Can you feel my pain?"

She started to cry, still trying to ignore his eyes.

"Look at me when I talk! Why are you doing this to me again? You left before without saying good bye. For twenty years I was wondering where you are and where you've been. Now you're here, you didn't even have the courage to tell me, that you're Anaka.!"

She couldn't think of how to respond to him, but cry.

"Who am I supposed to love? Anaka or Esmeralda? Huh?"

She cried more and more, then Phillip leaves her alone. He didn't give her a chance to explain anything, so she decided to go back to the lake, hurting.

When Phillip came back for her, she was gone. He did not attempt to follow her. 

By the lake, the king came forward to her and asks.

"Why did you summon you me for?"

"I'm going back to our kingdom."


"I'm going to set him free and exchange my heart for Herund's freedom."

"Also, you have to pick your future prince."

"Yes, father, I will marry whoever you chose."

"Even if you don't love him?"

"For the sake of our kingdom, I'm willing to do everything."


Not a moment longer, Herund was set free, but sad to see that Princess Anaka had to gave everything up, even her own true love.

The Queen spoke to her king afterwards.

"Are you happy to see her like this? Look at her?"

"I am not of course. She will marry as planned. And she agreed."

My Childhood SweetheartWhere stories live. Discover now