Chapter 1- Sunrise

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Sunlight hit your eyes as you wake up from your dreamless sleep. Sitting up to look at the beautiful day outside, you suddenly realized that you didn't wake up to your alarm. You quickly turn around in your bed and look at the clock resting on your bedside table.

|6:02 am|

You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding, thankful that you had woken up early instead of late. You decided not to go back to sleep for fear that you might actually wake up late this time.
Why did you not want to be late? Easy, today was your first day of high school!
You had been waiting for this day for so long, you just hoped that you had prepared enough to be successful. Throwing off your blanket and swinging your legs off the side of your bed, you slip on your pair of (F/C) slippers and start to get ready for school. You planned on making a good first impression so you planning on making sure everything you did was extra perfect.
(Example being something like making sure your hair looks extra nice.)

Halfway through your morning routine you hear a commotion outside. Wondering what was going on you rush to finish getting ready so you could go out and take a look before you had to leave.

"Good morning dear! I thought you didn't wake up till around 6:30?" You hear your mom say as you walk into the kitchen and quickly place a piece of bread into the toaster. Your mom was in the living room watching TV, most likely the morning news.

"Well I guess I decided to wake up earlier today. By the way, do you know what's happening outside?" Your mom turned to face you and gestured to the television.

"Yeah, apparently the monsters have broken the barrier and are free now. Come look, it's on like every news channel." She motions you to come look at the TV. You and your mother had always believed they were real.

"Woah." Was all you could utter when you saw hundreds of monsters walking down from the mountain. It was amazing, just looking at them somehow made you feel happy and it was extraordinary to see just how diverse the monsters seemed to be. Not to mention the looks on their faces.

They looked awestruck at the sunrise around them, continusly looking up at the sky, and occasionally looking at the news cameras or people, smiling and waving. Honestly, you'd probably have the same reaction if you had been trapped underground for so long.
Your mom suddenly turns off the TV and stands up.

"Why don't we go outside and see them for ourselves? I bet they look cooler up close." Your mom said with a smile.

"Really?! I'd love to go see the monsters!" You said while jumping up and down quickly. You then run back to your room and grab your phone that was charging on your (L/F/C) nightstand. You wanted to get some pictures of the monsters.

Checking your hair one last time in your bedroom mirror, you run back out and see your mom holding out a backpack for you to take.

"Now, before you ask, school's only been delayed for all this. You're still having school today." Your mom explained as you took the bag and slipped it on to your back.

"Ok, so when's school gonna be?" You ask.

"Well they don't really know yet but, they said they would announce it once they figure it out." She said as you saw her grab the car keys and walk towards the door.

"Well that works for me!" You said as you sprint out the door, right behind your mom.

   ~~~~~~~~Smoll Time Skip~~~~~~~~

To be honest, you never realized just how close you were to Mt.Ebbot till today but, it was kinda cool. What made it even cooler now though was the fact that the monsters had been freed from their underground prison there. Maybe they would make the underground a tourist attraction since this would definitely make history.

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