Chapter 7 - Introductions

Start from the beginning

“The place I live is shit, this is Witney.” I replied, whilst Susan started chuckling. “Anyways, want to meet my other friends? Or just stand here and be ogled?” That made them laugh.

“I love being ogled.” Zach said.

“Of course you do!” I punched him playfully. I loved being with these guys, I could really be myself.

“Lead the way my lady.” Ryan said, throwing his arm over my shoulder. We walked through the slowly growing crowd, people were whispering and some of the younger students were trying to work out who these mysterious men where.

“Someone just said you were a ‘mysterious fitty’” I giggled to Ryan.

“How do you know it was me?” He replied.

“Urm, you are obviously the fit one!” I said.

“You would say that.”

“I would tell you if I thought someone was fit, like sure Zach and Eddie are fit in a manly way but not as fit as you.” He just laughed and kissed my temple, this one is a keeper. I looked back and saw Susan talking to Brent, she’s replaced me already. “Here we go” I said as we approached a gang of people on the field. “I have some people for you to meet.” I announced, the gang turned to see who I was talking about. Some of them recognised Ryan. “Okay, here is Zach, Brent, Eddie, Drew and god-what is his name?” I joked, Ryan punched me.

“Hi, I’m Ryan.” He introduced himself.

“Sure, this is Ryan Cheddar.” I heard the guys laugh behind me and Ryan looked slightly amused, Susan was having some sort of laughing fit. “Anyway, meet my friends. Jade. Rosie. Jess. Kim. Chloe.  Becki. Courtney. Connor. And of course Susan, who you all know.” People waved, said hi and then stood here awkwardly.

“So, this is OneRepublic?” Rosie asked, breaking the silence.

“That’s us.” Ryan answered happily.

“I don’t really listen to you much, but you seem cool.” She added.

“I am a massive fan!” Jess said.

“Yep, I love all your music.” Kim added. There were murmurs of agreement through the group. I could hear Susan’s internal rant. ‘They only know the big hits, and me and Amy have loved them forever and listen to all their songs and those guys just lied. They are such dicks. Attention seeking whore dicks.’ I laughed at absolutely nothing because there was another awkward silence.

“What’s so funny?” Ryan asked.

“Susan.” I said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“You can’t even see me!” She complained.

“I don’t have to, I know exactly what you’re thinking.” I shouted to her.

“You know me to well bitch.”

“You love it jerk.”

“Sorry to interrupt your private love-fest, but there is an angry looking man storming towards us.” Zach interrupted. I turned to see the Head Of Sixth Form heading our way.

“Care to explain why you have brought these people onto school grounds Miss Thomson.” Angry as usual.

“Yeah, actually-” I was about to rant but Ryan stopped me.

“I apologise,” and I laughed and whispered ‘it’s too late to apologise’ which earned me a playful slap “we are actually a band. Amy is my girlfriend and our tour is breaking. We came to enquire about a performance here. For the whole school. Our treat.” The smile on my face was massive!

“OMG! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, you always have something planned. Are there elephants?” I said before Mr Davids could reply. The elephants got a few strange looks, but it’s an inside joke. Like the boobs.

“What’s the name of the band?” Mr Davids asked.

“OneRepublic.” I smirked at him.

“Amy. This is not the place for messing around, we are being serious.” He scolded, asshole. He always thinks hes right.

“She is being serious. We are OneRepublic.” Ryan replied, he seemed a bit angry.

“I do apologise, you can perform whenever.” He stammered, what a buttkiss.

“It’s too late to apologise.” I blurted, earning a few laughs and an evil glare from Mr Davids.

“Great. We start as soon as the stuff’s set up.” Ryan said.

“Where? Now?”

“I’m sure it won’t be an issue, the field seems appropriate, our guys set up and you get the kids here. It’ll take us 30 minutes tops.” Ryan replied, no messing with him. He had already turned and began heading to the bus for some equipment. I smiled sweetly at the asshole and ran to catch up with Ryan. I can’t believe he had planned this. A performance at the school, I guess he knows me better than I thought.

A/N - Shout out to Devonnneee :) Really glad you are enjoying the story :D Please comment guys :) I love hearing what you have to say :P

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