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Dear Mr me. Writing to let u know a few about your Mrs you, that's me

I am dark and lovely
I walk in awe of my black skin
An epitome of all shades of awesomeness
A height that can touch the ground with ease
Numerous compliments of my intelligence I receive on a platter of amazement.

A fanatic adventure lover but I never wanna experience it
A friend of water and also a foe
I get lost in my world when I pick up a book
I love singing, and I have an amazing voice in the bathroom, yes, just the bathroom

Fear grips the best part of me at the sight of crawling insects.
I build my own world whenever I listen to sad songs.
I fear everything, including humans

I create magic with a pen and paper
Babies love me but I fear my time
I'm a jealous lover, it has to be me always
I'm a black woman with a thick Afro

I love cakes and have no idea on how it's made
I love sad songs and romantic movies
I fear the dark but I love it (creepy right? I know)
I love evening walks but I hate going out (don't judge me. Someone out there is also like me)

My friends say I'm too nice, but people think I'm mean, sassy and rude ( blame my face)
I have facial expressions to everything (what can I say? I'm gifted)
I love ice creams ( everyone does right? Whatever)
I love partying and drinking alcohol. (Only in my head)

I hate crowds (why they gonna be so much human in one place?)
I love my space (so, I need my separate room when we married.)
I'm a fan of Bdsm, but never tried it before. Never!

I wanna be a film maker, wanna see people bring my imaginations to life
I have an alter ego and she's very crazy
I love playing.
I get happy and sad at the same time (don't look at me like that)

I love Love letters and romantic gestures
Sing to me when I feel sad but don't invade my space
Hold my hand when we are out
I love piggy back rides (no, I'm not too old for it)

Cry on our wedding day, I mean I'm the best thing in the world right in your hands.
Make verbal supports when I complain to you
I love sleeping with the lights on.
I press my toothpaste from the bottom
I love television series than movies

I love football but I hate watching it
I love video games, mortal combat.
I want to wear your t-shirts and boxers and jump on our bed
I want to rush out when I hear the sound of your car

I dream of a Cinderella wedding with a diamond ring on my hand
I love vacations . I went to Paris in my last vacation. It was a nice experience in my head.
I want Timi dakolo to perform on our wedding day...

I love running, but I've never tried it before
Don't yell at me. It makes my eye socket pop out (yea! I said it)
I love reading .
I love date nights but I fear stepping out at night.
I'd love to learn how to prepare intercontinental meals.

I love cold weathers but my body hates it.
People think I'm weird because I hate fun music
I don't have a favorite artiste as Long as the song is nice, I'm good
I love artworks.
My dream country for vacation is the Bahamas. (Oh my sweet Bahamas!!).

I love book clubs.
I love TV shows.
I love attention and hate too much attention but I really love so much attention. ( get it?)
The world revolves around me.
I love flowers and money ( I know, I'm not your regular naija babe. We go dey alright las las).

I'm a Nigerian , and my Nigerian level is 70%. I do mxmm mxmm instead of using toothpick to remove stuffs from my teeth.
I still deep bread in my tea
I'm not a fan of cutleries
I wear jean and a top to the beach

Everything scares me. But definitely not your dick.
I love it when I'm been stared at like the only thing in the world.
I have a lot of celebrity crush..
I love cartoons. ( like how do they get hit by a car and not die?)
I sleep naked, why do we have to wear cloth to sleep when we can feel the magic of freedom?
I'm dreamy.

I always wish i had super powers. Like invisibility. **breathes in**
I'm some times indecisive .
I can't dance to save my life, but I hope you can. Make sure u don't show off your dancing skills too much on our wedding day.

I can't swim.
I'm scared of riding a bicycle, makes me feel like I'll fall off. I hope you'll teach me how to not be scared.
I'm such a big baby.
I love the sweetest things of life. Maybe I'm materialistic

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